From issue 05
The Arts Council of England (ACE) has appointed Peter Jenkinson OBE as National Director of Creative Partnerships, a £40m initiative to develop long-term partnerships between schools, cultural and...
From issue 05
The Arts Council of Northern Ireland (ACNI) has published its Equality Scheme, giving full details of the methodology and processes it will be following to assess the extent to which its funding...
From issue 05
The Fellowships in the Creative and Performing Arts Scheme, managed by the Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB), is inviting applications for its latest round of awards. The scheme supports...
From issue 05
Biomedical research charity, the Wellcome Trust, has commissioned artist Jason Middlebrook to create the UK?s largest public artwork. The 10ft tall by 370ft long work will form a giant hoarding along...
From issue 05
The publication of a detailed document answering many questions raised about Arts Council of England (ACE) proposals to absorb the 10 English Regional Arts Boards has been postponed. Initially...
From issue 05
Last month saw the opening of two arts facilities in Scotland, both part-funded by the Scottish Arts Council Lottery fund. The new Birnam Institute in Perthshire will provide a boost for arts...
From issue 05
Everyman Theatre, Cheltenham, is celebrating its most successful year ever with more than 200,000 people attending events ? an increase of 30,000 over last year. In addition to the 164,000 people...
From issue 05
The Association of British Orchestras (ABO) has launched a partnership with e-learning specialists, to provide a range of low-cost management training courses over the Internet. The...
From issue 05
At a party to celebrate ten years of Jerwood Foundation activities, nearly 400 collaborative partners and past recipients of Jerwood funding, enjoyed an evening of performance and live music at The...
From issue 05
Northampton?s Victorian theatre, The Royal, and its next door neighbour, state-of-the-art Derngate, are jointly staging Alan Ayckbourn?s ?House...
From issue 05
The John Hansard Galleryhas joined a European Archive Partnership involved in a major research project to develop a database for contemporary art archives. The project, known as Vektor, is part of...
From issue 05
The recent Arts Council of England award of £2.5m Arts Capital Lottery funding brings the Roundhouse Trust?s Lottery total to over £3m, and numbers the Arts Council among the four Lottery...
From issue 05
A windfall from the New Opportunities Fund (NOF) has been the financial bedrock on which Yorkshire Youth and Music?s Sounding Out project has been developed. Jan Hinde explains how and why they...
From issue 05
NESTA, the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, is the UK?s first and only national endowment. The £200m fund, set up with proceeds from the National Lottery, was created by Act...
From issue 05
The Generating Company, a new circus act based in London, has received an Invention and Innovation award of £73,500 to research and develop a new contemporary circus show, ?Storm?. The company is...
From issue 05
Broadening access to the widest possible audience without lowering quality is central to the work of many community arts organisations. Barbara Wheeler Early explains how excellence and accessibility...
From issue 05
The community music sector has come a long way in the past ten years, and the growth of Sound Sense, the UK development agency for community music, has mirrored that evolution, writes Anita Holford....
From issue 05
Chances are that if an Arts Council of England officer was asked to list types of organisations delivering the arts they would overlook rural touring schemes, says Kate Lawrance. A countrywide...
From issue 05
If ever the arts were desperately needed, it?s in prisons, says Mary Stephenson. Yet prisons are the place you?re least likely to come across creative arts. This is changing and I was lucky enough to...
From issue 05
Arts Workshop Trust promotes 30,000 learning experiences each year through its programme of arts activities, events and education, writes Marie Kirbyshaw. We have developed as a result of the...
From issue 05
ARCHITECTURE Ash Sakula Architects ? Listening, drawing, thinking help. Fast track projects/mighty or miniscule budgets/ converting boilerhouses/ rearranging rabbit warrens/call us/ Cany Ash t: 020...
From issue 05
Title Co-manager Name of organisation Mantle Community Arts, How long in present post? nearly 3 years Phone 01530 830811 Fax 01530 810231 Email [email protected] What does...
From issue 04
The announcement by the Arts Council of England (ACE) of projects worth over £90m that have been admitted to its Arts Capital Programme has been met with delight by the 60 organisations for whom...
From issue 04
LightCube, the second public artwork in the Skelmersdale image enhancement project is being unveiled on Exchange Island ? one of three artworks to be located on traffic islands in the town. The...
From issue 04
Competition by definition leads to the creation of winners and losers ? whether in sport, in business, or indeed, in the arts. The latest round of capital funding announcements from the Arts Council...
