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A headshot of Lindsay Alvis
Alvis was previously a theatre producer for Headlong and Liverpool Everyman and Playhouse Theatres

LINDSEY ALVIS is to join Hull-based community arts charity Artlink as Chief Executive Officer.

Currently Relationship and Development Manager at Parents and Carers in Performing Arts, Alvis, who hails from Hull, has worked in the arts for over 15 years. 

Previously, she was a theatre producer for London-based touring company Headlong and for Liverpool Everyman and Playhouse Theatres. In 2017, she returned to Hull for its City of Culture and later worked for Middle Child as Executive Director and Joint CEO.

She takes the reins at Artlink from Philip Stevens, who retired after two years in post.

JANET THOMPSON, Chair of the board, said: “Philip has done a fantastic job. His dedication and leadership have brought Artlink to a strong and stable position. We wouldn’t be where we are today without his invaluable support and vision.

"As Philip prepares for retirement, the board is confident that Lindsey Alvis will bring new energy and ideas to Artlink, ensuring its continued success as a vital part of Hull’s artistic community."

Alvis added: “Joining the team at Artlink is a brilliant opportunity for me to combine my passion for community arts with my commitment to creating opportunities for artists and audiences in the city where I grew up."

"Artlink has a rich and vibrant 40-year history and is a key part of Hull's arts ecology. I look forward to working with our funders, partners and the Artlink board and team to deliver on its values, continuing to make Hull a creative and vibrant place to live, learn, work, and play."