From issue 23
Jumping hurdles, spinning plates and chasing moving goalposts are vivid metaphors for the skills demanded of arts managers. They all apply when it comes to managing a new building or major...
From issue 23
When Gerry Robinson, Chair of the Arts Council of England, wrote to us in September 1999 after he had paid an official visit to our new base, he described the building as ?probably one of the best...
From issue 23
A £4m investment in Aberystwyth Arts Centre, made possible through a grant of £2.6m from the Lottery Board of the Arts Council of Wales and the continued support of the University of Wales...
From issue 23
When Regional Cultural Consortia were originally set up, they were viewed by some as yet another layer of bureaucracy and just an opportunity for talking but with little influence, no teeth and a...
From issue 23 Case study
Regional Cultural Consortia (RCCs) were set up to provide a route for advising ministers; to stimulate greater strategic coherence between cultural funders, providers and activities; to promote cross...
From issue 23
Aims Regional Cultural Consortia aim to champion the whole spectrum of culture and creative interests in each region, including tourism and sport; forge links across this spectrum; and create a...
From issue 23
A lot of arts policy thinking has gone on in Wales in the past year, including a draft five-year arts development strategy by the Arts Council of Wales (ACW) and the Cultural Strategy for Wales,...
From issue 23
I have a recurring nightmare and it is this: I work for the Department for Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) in the section monitoring cultural strategies and I return to my office on 3 January 2003 to...
From issue 23 Case study
If I were to sum up my experience of producing a cultural strategy, I would say it was like trying to pin down a cloud. A very lovely cloud, with a blue sky behind. These documents are nebulous to...
From issue 23
20 frequently heard quotes that we?ll miss from the RABs As of April 1 the Regional Arts Boards (RABs) are no more, and a Brave New Arts Funding World is upon us. What will we miss about the RABs? A...
From issue 23
Review by Madeline Hutchins (Directory of Social Change, 2002, ISBN 1 900360 89 6 £9.95 [£12.79 inc p...
From issue 23
Title: General Manager Name of Organisation: The Academy of Ancient Music (AAM) Phone: 01223 301509 Email: [email protected] How long in present post? 5 years What does your organisation do...
From issue 23
ARTS SERVICES St Helens Creative Industries Initiative: Database of artists and creative industries; Commercial and domestic commissions; Arts in education;...
From issue 22 News
A plea for the Government to release the arts from damaging levels of accountability was made by Peter Hewitt, Chief Executive of the Arts Council of England (ACE), in a major speech at the National Portrait Gallery last week.
From issue 22
Seven visual arts spaces across Glasgow are collaborating for the first time in a major drive to build audiences for the visual arts. RAW, the Real Art Weekend, will promote Scotland?s diverse range...
From issue 22
At the first possible opportunity, and even before the new transition arts funding body comes into being, Peter Hewitt has taken the opportunity (p1) to remind Government of the value of the arts to...
From issue 22
Tessa Rennie, previously General Manager of 7:84 Theatre Company, joins Imaginate as General Manager. She replaces Katie Stuart who leaves to become Development Manager of Scotland Yard Adventure...
From issue 22
The National Assembly for Wales has awarded its first ever grants directly to the performing arts with £150,000 to support a range of projects. The move has been condemned by the arts sector and...
From issue 22
The board of Metier, the National Training Organisation (NTO) for the arts and entertainments sector has voted to collaborate with the cultural heritage sector to create a new Sector Skills Council...
From issue 22
12 pieces of work by disabled visual artists based in Wales have been reproduced on a series of postcards which are to be distributed through 100 galleries, museums, libraries and other centres...
From issue 22
The Scottish Arts Council?s proposals for the creation of a Writers? Factory to support Scotland?s writers of television drama, film screenplays sitcoms and radio plays, are to be explored through a...
From issue 22
Following the publication last year of its report ?Renaissance in the Regions: a New Vision for England?s Museums? Resource: the Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries has published guidelines...
From issue 22
The Musicians Union has introduced the country?s first music industry dispute resolution scheme to support members in contractual and partnership disputes, default of payments, and issues surrounding...
From issue 22
The Musician?s Union (MU) has accused Welsh National Opera (WNO) of ?artistic savagery? following WNO?s decision to lay off six members of its orchestra as an element of its stabilisation process....
From issue 22
The regeneration of a 420 acre site to the east of Birmingham?s city centre is to become a new hub for the UK?s creative industries through a 10-year renaissance programme which will include a...
