From issue 18
The RCS?s principal associate director Michael Attenborough is to be the new head of the Almeida Theatre, to succeed Ian McDiarmid and Jonathan Kent. English Touring Opera has announced the...
From issue 18
In what is seen by the Arts Council of England (ACE) as the final stage in the creation of the single arts funding organisation, Regional Arts Boards (RABs) have been issued with detailed documents...
From issue 18
The National Assembly for Wales has finally given the go-ahead for the development of the Wales Millennium Centre, a multi-million pound arts centre to be situated in Cardiff Bay. The Arts Council of...
From issue 18
Projects to attract new audiences to two local authority theatres in Hastings and Eastbourne are to be supported by South East Arts (SEA). Both projects support SEA?s priorities of cultural...
From issue 18
A collaboration between the National Rural Touring Forum and South Asian performing arts organisation Kala Sangam is to give audiences in the most remote parts of England access to a new piece of...
From issue 18
Plans to construct a new cultural enterprise centre at Victoria Dock, Caernarfon, are to go ahead with a £2m capital grant awarded by the Arts Council of Wales supporting 37% of the cost of the...
From issue 18
Lancaster-based group, Folly, is compiling a database of visual artists and craftspeople working or living in Lancashire with a view to setting up a range of activities including a regional artists...
From issue 18
Your feature on Open Studio schemes (ArtsProfessional issue 17, January 14) rang a few warning bells with me. I think open studios are a great idea and would welcome more of them. But nowhere in any...
From issue 18
I do think Cliff Hanley is wrong (ArtsProfessional issue 17, January 14, p2) about what constitutes pornography. The intention of the writer/artist, and the use to which the art is intended to be put...
From issue 18
Everyone agrees that for organisations, ?people are their greatest asset? today. Yet Bill Lucas believes that few arts organisations show any real commitment to understanding the most important part...
From issue 18
As a manager, have you ever wondered what your people really think of you? asks Peter Ward. Do they see you as the helpful, kind person you know yourself to be? Or do they see you as a demanding ogre...
From issue 18
Having been engaged in drama-based training since 1996, I was fascinated by the impact artists can have on an organisation and wanted to explore this further, writes Norma Pearson. The Year of The...
From issue 18
All Ways Learning (AWL) was selected by the Arts Council of England to form one of nine regional artform-based pilot services for its national Continuing Professional Development (CPD) network,...
From issue 18
Subscription schemes encourage customers to buy a number of tickets for a package of events and thereby attend more events than they otherwise might have done. Tim Baker asks why they have not...
From issue 18
Despite the unprecedented success enjoyed by the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra (CBSO) under Simon Rattle, during the 1990s sales trends showed a decline in numbers of tickets purchased, which...
From issue 18
At the turn of the millennium, when the major headache for most organisations was Y2K compatibility, we at the REP were pondering what to do with 650 highly demanding but low-yielding subscribers,...
From issue 18
The entry-level ?bronze? membership scheme at Malvern Theatres can be described as a subscription scheme, writes Fred Moroni. For a £35 annual fee the buyer enjoys advance notice of productions and...
From issue 18
In part two of her exploration of the nature and impact of digital arts technologies, Helen Cadwallader examines the distribution of new media art. The origins of new media art are many and various...
From issue 18
ARTS SERVICES BOOKSHOP St Helens Creative Industries Initiative: Database of artists and creative industries; Commercial and domestic commissions; Arts in...
From issue 17
The Ambassador Theatre Group (ATG), the second largest theatre-owning and managing group in the UK, with a portfolio of 19 theatres in the West End and the regions, has taken further steps to...
From issue 17
Artsdepot, a major new arts centre, is to be built in London?s North Finchley as a catalyst for the revitalisation of the town centre. The centre will provide a new home for three existing...
From issue 17
The growing use of the Internet has been widely recognised by the arts sector as creating tremendous opportunities for developing effective communications, and its use in ticketing transactions and...
From issue 17
Bill Thompson (ArtsProfessional issue 16, December 17, p10) does art no favours when he suggests that it owes everything to ?context?. An excellent work remains excellent regardless of whether it is...
From issue 17
Laurie Hayward (pictured), formerly Director of the Media Development Agency for the West Midlands and of the Central England Screen Commission, is to be the first Chief Executive of Screen East,...
From issue 17
Major box office systems across Europe are now issuing tickets carrying prices in both Euros and the previous currency., whose latest Pass and Databox systems are already configured to...
