Arts sector misses the chance for digital debate with MPs

16 Jul 2015

Arts professionals have proved reluctant to participate in the parliamentary process via social media, with fewer than 15 individuals actively discussing #artsfunding over two days of digital debate.

Publicly funded arts are “bedrock” of creative industries

Production shot from Les Misérables
15 Jul 2015

A new report highlighting the part subsidised art plays in the UK’s “booming” creative industries has been backed by leading figures from the commercial sector. 

ACE launches The Regional Touring Network with £800k grant

14 Jul 2015

Nine regional venues are involved in a three-year project that aims to deliver a legacy of sustainable theatre touring.

EXCLUSIVE: Facts behind National Funding Scheme exposed

Photo of William Makower
10 Jul 2015

The national online giving platform, which charges among the highest fees of all suppliers, has been propped up by a £125k grant that breaks through the official ceiling on grants from Arts Council England’s Grants for the Arts programme.

More collaboration needed to safeguard Welsh music services

10 Jul 2015

With Wales set to revamp its education policy and bring the arts to the heart of its school curriculum, an opportunity exists to safeguard and extend Welsh national music service provision.

Arts cuts to be revealed in the autumn

Photo of Chancellor George Osborne
10 Jul 2015

The Chancellor has indicated that cuts will not be as deep as those imposed in the past few years.

Report calls for more research into cultural value and inequality

Photo of people in an auditorium
10 Jul 2015

The campaign to boost diversity in the arts is being held back by a lack of research and accurate data, according to a literature review.

Creative Scotland to face parliamentary scrutiny

Photo of Waverley Gate
03 Jul 2015

The role of key public bodies and the outcomes they deliver are to be examined by a Committee reporting to the Scottish Government. 

Wales to put arts at the heart of the curriculum

Photo of girl dancing
03 Jul 2015

The expressive arts will be one of six areas of learning and experience that will take the place of traditional subjects as Wales approves a radical overhaul of its curriculum for primary and secondary schools.

Employment boom in music, performing and visual arts

Photo of a BBC Proms concert
03 Jul 2015

Jobs in the arts are growing at a higher rate than in any other area of the creative industries, but new figures from the DCMS lay bare the scale of the diversity problem.

MPs weigh in on dispute between National Gallery and PCS

National Gallery night
01 Jul 2015

The debate about privatisation of staff at the National Gallery spilled into the House of Commons, but Culture Minister Ed Vaizey refused to commit to clear intervention.

Taking Part report shows arts engagement static

Photo of a man painting by the sea
26 Jun 2015

Arts engagement has not increased in England since 2005/06, although there have been pockets of growth amongst those in rural areas, older people and those with a disability.

Scotland makes plans to grow creative industries

Photo of a man on stilts
26 Jun 2015

43,000 new workers will be needed to support Scotland’s creative industries over the next ten years, according to a new report identifying key issues facing the sector.

Peers demand greater protection for creative industries

Photo of parliament
26 Jun 2015

A debate in the House of Lords about the health of the creative industries was both a celebration and a call to action, with Baroness Kidron fighting to prevent the next generation from becoming a “pale, posh shadow of the current one”.

Facelift for Artsmark

classroom art children
26 Jun 2015

Despite a consistently low take-up rate and over a decade of investment worth almost £10m, ACE is sticking with its arts accreditation scheme for schools.


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