Economic impact of culture is zero, concludes report

Photo from the Godiva Awakes procession
28 Nov 2014

A team making recommendations to the Government on how public money can be spent most effectively finds the impact of culture projects to be limited in both scope and scale.

Charitable income shores up cultural institutions

A photo of Tate Modern
28 Nov 2014

Fundraising success at DCMS-funded cultural organisations and Arts Council England NPOs is leading to a shrinking proportion of their revenue coming from grant in aid.

Partnership initiative to cultivate street and circus arts

Photo of a performance by Lost in Translation Circus
28 Nov 2014

A new nationwide network will be issuing a bi-annual call-out for artists and companies seeking support to develop imaginative work.

John Major “completely underestimated the scale” of Lottery impact

John Major
20 Nov 2014

The former Prime Minister says he recognises the value of the arts in the life of the nation, but rejects the use of Lottery money for "government schemes."

NAO reveals the impact of Council cuts

Queen's Theatre Hornchurch
20 Nov 2014

Cultural services have seen bigger cuts than social care but are not the worst affected, according to a National Audit Office report.

Films show the arts as ‘national treasures’

Still from the film of a man wearing headphones
12 Nov 2014

Arts organisations turn to video in campaigns to raise wider awareness of the value of their work.

New call for craft and enterprise in the curriculum

Photo of teenagers taking place in design workshop
11 Nov 2014

A manifesto for craft education aims to raise the profile of craft-based subjects in schools, where participation has declined by a quarter in five years.

Wales fears the impact of council cuts

Photo of a young girl drawing
11 Nov 2014

It is becoming increasingly less likely that culture and arts services will be able to play a meaningful part in delivering the Government’s ambition of tackling poverty and promoting social justice, the Welsh Local Government Association has warned.

Northern Ireland prioritises access

Photo of people dancing
06 Nov 2014

The Arts Council’s new five-year strategy makes a commitment to promoting equality and tackling poverty and social exclusion, while strengthening the sector to withstand funding cuts.

Fairer regional arts funding amounts to “glib London bashing”

Photo of Mayor of London Boris Johnson
05 Nov 2014

Redistributing arts funding across England would bring “marginal if any long term benefits for people living outside the capital”, according to London’s Deputy Mayor, who defends the capital’s share.

Arts reach almost all children, report finds

Photo of teenage girls dancing
05 Nov 2014

The latest DCMS Taking Part survey has revealed small increases in cultural engagement by children and young people.

Regional funding imbalance “must be urgently rectified”

Aerial view of London
05 Nov 2014

Greater fairness in Lottery funding would help to redress the wider geographic arts funding imbalance that sees London benefit “out of all proportion to its population”, says Select Committee.

Sharper focus on charity activities

Photo of a magnifying glass focusing on some numbers
31 Oct 2014

Changes to charity law will give greater powers to the Charity Commission to tackle abuse and mismanagement.

Creative Scotland commits to long-term funding

Photo of a dance theatre performance
30 Oct 2014

The number of arts organisations in receipt of three-year funding is to more than double, as the funding body responds to the sector’s concerns.

Artists’ studios recognised as top social enterprise

A photo of David Cook
30 Oct 2014

For its role supporting artists across Scotland, Wasps Studios has been named Scottish Social Enterprise of the Year.

Local issues to feed into national arts agenda

Photo of women dancing flamenco
24 Oct 2014

The rapid decline in the number of local authority arts services has sparked a new drive to protect and develop local cultural infrastructure.

Touring Network campaigns for rural venues

Photo of a colourful pair of theatre seats on the coast in front of a lighthouse
24 Oct 2014

Raising the profile of professional performances taking place at some of Scotland’s more remote locations is a key aim of a new marketing push.

Cambridge transfers to Trust

Photo of Cara Dillon singing
21 Oct 2014

While the future of the city’s large-scale arts and entertainment providers is secured, the summer music festival has “come to the end of the road”.

Liverpool Everyman scoops highest architectural award

Photo of Liverpool Everyman
17 Oct 2014

The Stirling Prize-winning building is described as “a ground-breaking example of how to build a daring bold and highly sustainable large public building in a historic city centre”.

Lottery upturn realises lower returns for the arts

Photo of EuroMillions tickets and Lottery website
17 Oct 2014

National Lottery revenues in the first half of 2014/15 have soared but good causes are seeing less of the benefit.


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