Culture Diary aims to raise UK’s international profile

Screenshot of Culture Diary website
13 May 2014

A UK-wide event-planning and anti-clash website will help government bodies and agencies to support a drive for tourism and cultural exports.

Culture lobby targets UN development agenda

Photo of flags
08 May 2014

Global networks are calling on governments to recognise culture’s role in sustainable development.

Music Education Hubs strive for financial sustainability

Photo of children singing
07 May 2014

Hubs are engaging with the majority of schools in their areas, but more needs to be done to reach children from all backgrounds, report finds.

New regional centres for Arts Council Collection

Photo of Roger Hiorns' Seizure
02 May 2014

Three more museums and galleries will create “long term visible homes for the Collection” and develop supporting digital activity to maximise its reach.

Influence of academic research set to grow

Photo of sculpture at University of Houston
01 May 2014

The “most relevant and robust research” about the cultural sector is being made more accessible to arts practitioners through a King’s College London initiative.

Poor areas suffer highest local authority arts cuts

Photo of girl painting
01 May 2014

Shadow Culture Minister used Freedom of Information to reveal the impact of Government cuts on local authority spend on culture and libraries. 

London is among the lowest funded, claims the GLA

Photo of London's City Hall
30 Apr 2014

Witnesses defend their views of fair arts funding distribution as the Select Committee releases a new tranche of evidence.

Lottery rebate to support international growth

Photo of the Closing Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games
28 Apr 2014

Most of the money released to the arts following the closure of the Olympic Lottery Distributor will be used to support cultural exchange and overseas touring.

Lottery funding landscape laid bare

Photo of Durham
25 Apr 2014

The distribution of Lottery funding for the arts is a closed system, operating for the benefit of a small number of arts organisations but to the detriment of wider society and the economy, according to a new report by the authors who recently revealed England’s regional arts funding imbalance.

Arts engagement equivalent to £1k pay rise

Girls dancing
24 Apr 2014

New evidence of the social benefits of engagement in culture boosts the economic case for the arts.

Cultural access scheme for disabled arts attenders

Photo of a man in a wheelchair in an auditorium
17 Apr 2014

Creu Cymru is to lead on the development of a ‘National Disabled Visitors’ Card Scheme’ in Wales.

Pressure mounts on councils to cut music education funding

Photo of school children playing instruments
17 Apr 2014

The Department for Education is warning that there should be no money in local authority education budgets for extra-curricular music and arts. 

Attitudes soften toward tax-funded arts subsidy

Children in a gallery
11 Apr 2014

Public support for the arts has grown over the past 12 months, with improved access being top of the list of objectives for public funding.

Earned income disparity compounds regional funding imbalance

A photo of the Royal Opera House
09 Apr 2014

The combined value of earned and contributed income generated by NPOs in London has grown by £71m since 2010, but the North East has seen growth of just £1m over the same period.


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