Ask the expert

01 Nov 2010

Got a work-related problem? AP finds the expert with the answer.

The sector speaks

01 Nov 2010

WEB EXCLUSIVE: Louise de Winter, Mark Pemberton, Roy Clare, Marcia Hutchinson, Stephen Cottrell, Hannah Nicklin, Michael Boyd, Francis Reid, Paul Kelly, John Smith, Rachel Tackley, Gerry Morrissey, Caroline Miller, Nica Burns and Mark Skipper comment on the Spending Review and ACE’s funding decisions

Alive and kicking

26 Aug 2010

Why should arts funders invest in experimentation? Hasan Bakhshi presents findings from NESTA’s new research

From Russia, with guts

26 Aug 2010

Immersive opera might only just be catching on in Britain but, as David Staples reports, Opera Gulag has already gone some way to show us how art imitates life


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