Arts are down-played in Teaching White paper

22 Nov 2010

Any changes to cultural education will be based on the findings from the review of music provision in schools

The sector speaks

01 Nov 2010

Comment on the Spending Review and ACE funding decisions

The sector speaks

01 Nov 2010

WEB EXCLUSIVE: Louise de Winter, Mark Pemberton, Roy Clare, Marcia Hutchinson, Stephen Cottrell, Hannah Nicklin, Michael Boyd, Francis Reid, Paul Kelly, John Smith, Rachel Tackley, Gerry Morrissey, Caroline Miller, Nica Burns and Mark Skipper comment on the Spending Review and ACE’s funding decisions

Trevelyan Wright's Job Ladder

11 Oct 2010

Trevelyan Wright reveals the path he took to his current role.

Creativity in numbers?

27 Sep 2010

In response to our special news story published online last week, Liz Hill unpicks the figures used by CCE to justify its existence

Winning when you’re singing

27 Sep 2010

You don’t have to be a professional to enjoy the benefits of singing – Sarah Robinson explains why Making Music insists we all have a go

Band of glory

27 Sep 2010

From classrooms to concert halls, music is instrumental to the success of the UK economy says Deborah Annetts

An educational experience

Mike Ingham
07 Sep 2009

Opportunities for Theatre in Education are on the increase. Mike Ingham explains why, even in a recession, high-quality TIE should be valued by students, teachers, and practitioners.


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