Fears for Falkirk culture as cost of arts centre rises

23 Jan 2020

The town is divided over plans for a joint arts centre and council headquarters as the bill rises to £53.7m. But without it, campaigners say local arts organisations could “cease to exist”.

Home is where the art is

02 Jan 2020

Toma McCullim, artist in residence in Skibbereen’s Ludgate Hub, describes a project reconnecting diaspora and reinventing tradition through innovative storytelling.

‘An early Christmas present’: NPOs get 1.84% funding boost

18 Dec 2019

Arts Council England has confirmed a small cash injection for each of its portfolio organisations in 2020.

A high street renaissance?

Photo of Amanda Parker
29 Nov 2019

Amanda Parker asks whether the arts can really save our high streets.

City of Culture ‘changed Hull’s image for the better’

28 Nov 2019

An evaluation says the programme brought “profound but somewhat fragile” changes to Hull’s economy, community and cultural sector.

Cultural partnerships to lead high streets regeneration

Photo of Royal Court Theatre Wigan
26 Nov 2019

Historic England envisages the community-led scheme will become a “catalyst for wider regeneration” in a similar way to Creative People and Places.

Volume or value? Sustainability and cultural tourism

20 Nov 2019

The tourism sector talks of aviation and inbound tourism as a way forward for rural areas, but could the cultural sector offer a route that is more in tune with the challenges of our time? Fiona Wotton examines the issues.

Brent 2020 promises to ‘challenge definitions of culture’

14 Nov 2019

The Chief Executive of the London Borough’s Council said the year-long programme would examine the relationship between power and people and celebrate migration.

Changing the narrative in East Leeds

A photo of the Chapel FM building in a former church
14 Nov 2019

It’s been five years since Heads Together opened Chapel FM in East Leeds. Linda Strudwick looks at what can be achieved from running an arts centre in the middle of a disadvantaged community.

Cost of The Factory could rise beyond £130m

Photo of The Factory under construction
13 Nov 2019

As Manchester City Council races to get the venue finished for 2021, only a third of construction packages have been awarded.

Celebrating local excellence

07 Nov 2019

We spend too much time trying to learn lessons from cities and apply them in other places, argues Brendan Keaney. It’s time to recognise that creative powerhouses can come in all shapes and sizes – and not always where you might expect.

Olympic Park cultural quarter already £14m over budget

An artist's drawing of the planned Stratford Waterfront development
01 Nov 2019

Auditors warned that urgent action was needed to avert overspending and delays to the project before planning permission for four key buildings was granted in June. LLDC says it is still in the process of addressing these concerns.

York is UK’s most culturally vibrant city, finds EU research

A photo of a York Minster cathedral at night
25 Oct 2019

Both Glasgow and Edinburgh were ranked higher than London on a cultural and creative index compiled by the European Commission.

Government rejects ‘UK Garden City’ calls

A photo of a large glasshouse and lawn
21 Oct 2019

Arts Minister Helen Whately said the proposed scheme risked detracting from the success of existing initiatives such as City of Culture.

London Borough of Culture: Council changes explanation for funding withdrawal

10 Oct 2019

A festival left with a £30,000 deficit after Waltham Forest’s decision claims the authority is “seeking to justify a refusal to pay compensation”.

Why I bought a quilt

03 Oct 2019

Andrew Pinnock says City of Culture planners should spend less time making up positive-sounding stories they think they can sell, and more time listening to the people who make culture on their own terms.

The big debate: Do rural arts organisations need more funding?

Rural Media working on a commercial project
25 Sep 2019

People working in and with rural arts organisations share their views on the sector’s future.

Heritage key to creative industries’ success, report claims

24 Sep 2019

The Heritage Alliance is calling for greater recognition and funding to support the historic places and objects that underpin creative and cultural activities, challenging the stereotype of heritage as “a decorative incidental backdrop to contemporary creative work”.

NPOs accused of ‘condescending attitudes’ towards Creative People and Places partnerships

Photo of a CPP delivered performance
04 Sep 2019

A report finds that relationship dynamics regarding Arts Council England’s flagship placemaking scheme are being “partly determined by geographic and class-based inequalities”.

£10m ‘Hat District’ takes shape in Luton

A photo of a tall brick building
02 Sep 2019

The revamped Hat Factory Arts Centre will form part of a ‘creative cluster’ that aims to create jobs and attract 100,000 new visitors to the town.


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