Cutting edge theatre online

11 Apr 2011

Deborah Dignam explains the Gulf Stage project, which is using new technology to bring Arabic theatre to new audiences

Learning the ropes

11 Apr 2011

Apprenticeships can be a great route into employment, and help to diversify a traditionally narrow workforce. Catherine Large explains their importance

A special experience

21 Mar 2011

Sarah Norton describes how a well established regional theatre is setting up a brand new membership scheme

My Gurus

21 Mar 2011

Lorna Rees reveals the people who have inspired her most

Child’s play

21 Mar 2011

Tim Webb celebrates 30 years of theatre for young audiences

A committed consortium

28 Feb 2011

Alan Hewson reports on a collaboration which is enabling a new production of ‘Wuthering Heights’ to tour Wales

Cost vs value

28 Feb 2011

Damian Cruden argues that economic impact studies fail to identify the true value of the arts

Building a learning community

28 Feb 2011

Jim Beirne discusses a series of social enterprises designed to create additional income streams, based around creative and physical assets


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