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Brewery Heineken is harnessing the power of immersive theatre for its latest social media marketing campaign.

Eric Brody was meeting his best friend for a drink at a Manhattan hotel on a recent Tuesday evening when he suddenly found himself pulled away to a cocktail party to mingle with a billionaire, dance with Russians, tell jokes to a mobster, steal a key from a hairy sleeping man and tattoo a hulking brute.

The 35-year-old real estate developer had unknowingly walked into an “immersive theatre” experience presented by Heineken and became the star of the show – a lone audience participant in rooms full of actors. Only after the event did Mr Brody learn that dozens of hidden cameras had captured him performing the various stunts.

That footage – along with shots of some of the two dozen others who were roped in – is being edited into a video that will be posted online next week (at Heineken USA’s YouTube channel). The beer maker hopes it will go viral and be seen at least 9m times... Keep reading on The Financial Times