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Joanna Jeffery analyses data from The List, a collaborative record of how trusts and foundations are changing their practices designed to help grant writers and the charities they support.

We know that charities have never been in more demand, but rarely have they found it so hard to raise funds for their causes.

There have been many challenges over the last decade or so - the financial crash and credit crunch, local government cuts and austerity, through to the pandemic and cost of living crisis, not to mention the recent race riots - sometimes described as a “poly-crisis” - each uniquely shifting the fundraising landscape.  

However, earlier this year, fundraisers and grant writers across the charity sector started to notice more and more trusts and foundations making announcements to spend out, close their doors to new or unsolicited grant applications, or pause their application processes... Keep reading on Substack.

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On Golden Ponds. (Substack)