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The heritage industry needs all the resilience it can muster, reasons Simon Tait as he looks at the legacy of the business support programme, Heritage Compass.

Almost no sector, with the obvious exception of the NHS, has suffered more from the effects of Covid lockdowns, central and local government funding cuts and the cost rise crisis than heritage and art. Art in education has all but disappeared, theatres and museums have been forced to close, creatives have had to resort to the hospitality industry to live.

Out of it all, though, has come an element that is transforming a vital corner of the cultural world, and will have a long-standing influence on how we operate: collaboration and professionalism. 

It’s under the radar most of the time; individuals and smaller organisations that have come together thanks to Zoom or informal networking, and even when it’s fully in the public eye, it’s hardly noticed. ...Keep reading on Arts Industry.