We view complaints as an opportunity to improve the quality of our journalism and our content as well as a means to put things right for the complainant.

Editorial complaints
Arts Professional adheres to the Standards Code of our regulator IMPRESS and handles complaints about any alleged breaches in accordance with the Code.
Please contact us if you are:
- Personally and directly affected by an alleged breach of the Code
- A representative group affected by an alleged breach of the Code where there is public interest in your complaint
- A third party seeking to ensure accuracy of published information
We are regulated by IMPRESS, but initial complaints should be made to Arts Professional Media Ltd in writing at or to Arts Professional Media Ltd, Milton Hall, Ely Road, Milton, Cambridge, CB24 6WZ.
We will acknowledge your complaint by email or in writing within seven calendar days of receipt and will respond with a final outcome within 21 calendar days. If your complaint is upheld, we will inform you of the remedial actions taken.
If you are not satisfied with the final response to your complaint, or if you do not hear from us within 21 calendar days of your submission, you can refer your complaint to our independent regulator IMPRESS.
Read our full editorial complaints policy.

Customer service complaints

If you have a complaint about an Arts Professional service such as an advert or a subscription, please send it in writing by email to: or by post to: Arts Professional Media Ltd, Milton Hall, Ely Road, Milton, Cambridge, CB24 6WZ, where it will be handled by our Business Manager, with referral to the CEO where appropriate.
Your complaint will be acknowledged by email within seven days of receipt, and you will be informed of the final response within 21 days. If your complaint is upheld, we will inform you of the remedial actions taken.
If you are not satisfied with the response to your complaint, you may appeal for it to be heard by the Board of Arts Professional Media Ltd, who will meet within three months of your appeal.