What does ‘living with Covid’ mean for your workplace?
As new regulations come into force for employers, James Tamm and Nick Wilson run though what organisations need to understand abou…
As new regulations come into force for employers, James Tamm and Nick Wilson run though what organisations need to understand abou…
UNESCO’s Creative Cities Network includes 13 UK cities. Karen Merkel shines a spotlight on a programme which demands in…
For a busy, freelance arts professional, carving out the time to attend yet another event can be difficult and sometimes not worth…
Struggling with the elitist nature of the concert hall, Matthew Whiteside decided it was time to bring contemporary classical musi…
While at school in Manchester, a career in theatre seemed like a distant dream to Tom Stocks. In fact, he was advised that brickla…
As a trained dancer and choreographer, Rosie Heafford learned the hard way how to deal with an invisible disability.
Pricing is an overlooked form of communication. As soon as a price is placed on something, it sends out a message about the produc…
John McGrath shares his vision for a radical, new, ultra-flexible space that he hopes will be a significant addition to the cultur…
The pandemic has forced us all to think differently – about the work we do, the way we work, and about how we plan and strat…
Covid and Brexit combined have meant a tough two years for UK orchestras but, as Mark Pemberton explains, signs of a bounce back a…
Thinking creatively about a multi-layered distribution campaign for your work is as important as the work itself, argues Sarah For…
Theatres have always been spaces to be heard in. That’s why we have an auditorium and an audience. Rhys Thomas unpicks their…
Buying tickets online is something people do every day, for thousands of events, on millions of websites, all around the world. Bu…
Creating trust, promoting equity and putting cultural democracy at the heart of the vision for Coventry 2021 has been key to its s…
A unique organisation that works in the rural communities of Somerset has expanded its horizons to Europe. Ralph Lister shares the…
About Us* is a dazzling free show combining projection mapping, animation, music and poetry. At its heart, says Maggie Aderin-Poco…
Sometimes it seems like successful artist/academic partnerships all come down to agreement over who’s paying for the tea and…
For Amy Golding, creating a new play starts with an encounter that sparks inspiration, followed by working with a community invite…
Promises are powerful formulations reflecting genuine intentions. But, Richard Watts argues, they must be accompanied by concrete…
Being purpose driven and mission driven through the pandemic set Farnham Maltings up for success long into the future, just when t…
There are many reasons why arts organisations seek to diversify their staff and creatives, but there’s only one result: exci…
Choosing a multinational oil and gas corporation as the major sponsor of a climate change exhibition sounds like something straigh…
Audiences have had almost 24 months of remote engagement with culture. It’s now time to share evidence, learning, success an…
The nature of arts marketing has shifted over recent years with knock-on effects on relationships with producers. Howard Buckley a…