New obligations to protect UK’s art market from money laundering
With under a month to go for art businesses and artists to register with HMRC, Mary-Alice Stack explores how the sector is respond…
With under a month to go for art businesses and artists to register with HMRC, Mary-Alice Stack explores how the sector is respond…
Can artists make a positive contribution to alleviate the threat of biodiversity decline? Misha Curson shares a project which is a…
Rural touring has never been more innovative than it was in 2020. Holly Lombardo asks what comes next for a sector that…
After a lifetime spent working in the arts across the world, Judith Knight considers the dilemma of meeting the demands of the cli…
Organisations talk a big game about preventing climate change but what are they doing? Bridget McKenzie shares her experience of t…
Two years ago a group of artists and environmental activists launched Culture Declares Emergency. Lucy Neal and Kay Michael t…
Poet and climate writer, Linda France shares how she is creating spaces for connection, discussion and personal reflection, encour…
Music educators often lack the confidence and energy to engage with academic research. Encouraging them to do so may be the way to…
Moving an orchestra into a school sparked a creative collaboration that can be replicated to benefit students elsewhere, writ…
Stage side seats have historically been free to cheap, so why are we rushing to return to restricted view seating? Fiona English m…
Sebastian Cater says cultural sector managers who make mental health a priority aren’t virtue signalling, they’re lead…
Hannah Hartley says the outdoor arts industry’s long-held resilience and versatility has given them the tools to overcome ne…
Andy Robertson argues for the cultural sector to become an equal stakeholder in developing a future for Scotland.
Jonathan Savage says the Government’s latest intervention in music education is just another clumsy attempt at curriculum re…
Marie-Claire Daly reflects on what the past year has taught Greater Manchester about resilience and recovery, and what we mus…
The pandemic has proved the power of the arts in addressing isolation. Eleanor Sutton shares how a volunteering programme is benef…
The creative and cultural sectors cannot say they value equality while continuing to be one of the worst offenders for prejudice a…
Despite new requirements coming into force more than a year ago, many arts organisations remain woefully underprepared. Mary-Alice…
Ajay Chhabra jumped at the opportunity to manage a Covid test centre in the heart of London’s South Asian community. He foun…
'Decolonising the curriculum' has become a touchstone for educational institutions. But what does this mean in practice? C…
Employers in arts, culture and heritage face hard choices about what to invest in and how to effectively plan for the long term, w…
Amanda Huxtable reflects on how racial trauma has shaped leadership within the cultural sector, taking on the responsibility for c…
James Clutton says supporters have stood by cultural organisations through the toughest of times. They deserve transparency, care…
Ryan Dawson Laight had to costume virtual productions from recycled garments, self-printed fabric and actors’ own wardrobes….