Preventing accidents – the problems of attracting fundraising talent
Recruiting on the basis of passion for the arts doesn’t make sense in vital income-generating roles, says Michelle Wright. S…
Recruiting on the basis of passion for the arts doesn’t make sense in vital income-generating roles, says Michelle Wright. S…
Could fundraising overseas be a profitable enterprise for you, with an achievable return on investment? Nancy Bickson explains wha…
Even if people are willing to pay for digital performances, are they willing to pay enough? Robin Cantrill Fenwick examines the da…
Apprenticeships could help level the playing field and help those from less advantaged backgrounds enter the arts and cultural sec…
We are at a crossroads, says Jamie Beddard. Access, democratisation and engagement must not be sacrificed in the rush to return af…
When Professor Stephen Clift published a critique of an academic review of the impact of the arts on health outcomes, he was accus…
With the creativity of communities finally becoming a policy priority, arts organisations could be handing more control over to th…
Cultural democracy is not in the gift of most cultural institutions, but that doesn’t mean there’s no role for them, s…
Power has always resided in the hands of the few and in this moment of crisis it is time to fundamentally change the rules of the…
What happens when you put communities in charge of their own creative projects? Ryan Herman found out how residents, rather than l…
Could an Ambassadors Scheme offer a way of better connecting theatres with their local communities? Hardish Virk has seen positive…
Adopting a creative approach to tackle opening in a Covid-safe environment could give venues the edge and help them come out the o…
As schools reopen for the new year, arts education needs to rise to short and long-term challenges to be successful and remain rel…
Maintaining an international perspective and collaborating with global partners will be key to rebuilding the UK’s cultural…
When cultural producers have the time and space to think ahead and bounce ideas off each other, remarkable ideas emerge. Richard W…
As the sector rethinks its relationship with the communities it serves, professional training will need to strengthen connections…
The current funding model means a select few decide what art is acceptable. Anthony Padgett argues union representation is the key…
A substantial new income stream for the arts sector can go hand in hand with significant savings to the health budget, says Tim Jo…
What would happen if an audience was allowed to make a reservation for a small fee, enjoy the experience, and then pay afterwards,…
Small theatres and companies are ideally placed to give their local communities a voice. But there will have to be new models of w…
A generation of unrealised talent will be the cultural legacy of Covid-19 unless we use the financial lifelines the sector has bee…
The CULTURE RESET programme is up and running. Richard Watts shares the vision – and the inspiration.
The massive surge in support for the Black Lives Matter movement has everyone busily writing diversity policies, but more importan…
R&D funding for artists is hard to come by, but Hannah Grannemann and Amy Whitaker believe emerging artist-centric sources of…