Why I’m writing myself out of my job
Are you doing what you’ve always done because that’s what you were set up to do? Jo McLean explains how radical change…
Are you doing what you’ve always done because that’s what you were set up to do? Jo McLean explains how radical change…
“It is the art they want, not the buildings”. Jessica Walker says it’s time to rethink the structures that allow…
Thousands of people from every background are developing and showcasing their creative skills online in a huge variety of forms, e…
If organisations don’t get a grip on the difference between being a freelancer and an employee – and give both the rig…
As cultural organisations attempt to coax reluctant individuals back into the habit of live cultural attendance, now’s the t…
Is it possible to transfer a festival experience into an online space without losing its essence? Katey Warran examines the social…
Our much-discussed social and mental health relies on having something to live for and cherish during and after this existential s…
A structured reflection process can support arts leaders to find tentative answers to the overwhelming problems they are facing. R…
Theatre critics don’t engage with the work of artists with learning disabilities, but it’s time to change that and we…
Elsewhere in the world national lotteries are being run in ways that don’t rely on the profits from gambling, while providin…
How are small theatre companies living through the current crisis – and what does the future hold for them? Matthew Austin&#…
Community arts organisations are at the heart of the response to the Covid-19 crisis, but their spaces are threatened by arguments…
The stories behind the Olympic Games and other cultural mega-events are important, says Beatriz Garcia. Now is the time to look be…
Being fleet of foot and digitally prepared means MSL is ahead of most in re-configuring its programme online. But in a landscape t…
The rewards of helping an early career fundraiser with their goals and development are amazing, says Samir Savant. So anyone think…
By labelling people as either creators or administrators the sector is losing out on a host of valuable skills, says Rachel Griffi…
Subsidy doesn’t shield or separate arts activities from the economic system; it enables them to be part of it, says Stephen…
2008 saw the publication of New Flow, a radical vision for a new framework that abandons narrow definitions of the arts and embrac…
Post-Covid, the twin pillars of cultural policy should be social justice and environmental concern – but collectively we hav…
When it's time to rebuild, the cultural sector will have to start owning up to failure if it is to learn from its previous mis…
Investment in soft power assets can deliver huge financial returns – and could be the catalyst for redressing regional econo…
Inclusion means ensuring workers can fulfil their potential, regardless of their background, identity or circumstance. Is now the…
“You may be down, but you're not out”, says Ron Evans, who is convinced this pandemic is poised to be the biggest…
Once-ridiculed activists are increasingly setting the agenda, but can radical practices co-exist with organisational forms adopted…