ArtsProfessional meets… Robert Lepage
What happens when an internationally acclaimed theatre producer is accused of cultural insensitivity? He puts on another productio…
What happens when an internationally acclaimed theatre producer is accused of cultural insensitivity? He puts on another productio…
We can only change our local communities if we’re willing to change ourselves, says Carol Jones.
It’s time to turn up the volume on the needs and interests of young people, says Carol Reid.
If arts leaders refuse to invest in their staff, do their organisations really deserve to survive? Alex Marshall calls for more su…
Lottery funding, low pay, and that boat…Amanda Parker meets the Arts Council England Chair and architect of the UK’s…
The Tavistock Institute’s courses have always embraced approaches outside of the mainstream. Heather Stradling tells Jonatha…
Not everyone can be a winner in Arts Council of Wales’ drive to share the benefits of culture more widely, says Nick Capaldi…
As ArtsProfessional unveils the explosive findings from its recent Freedom of Expression survey, Liz Hill examines the soul of a s…
Reflecting on being wrongfully dismissed by the Royal Academy of Music, Dr Francesca Carpos says the sector must create a cul…
It’s often easier to steer clear of challenging issues – but we will all lose out if we censor material we find diffic…
The liberal, left-leaning values of cultural workers leads to “a divergence in worldviews between those tasked with represen…
Striking differences between urban and rural areas make a strong case for a dual regional policy, argue Anne Torreggiani and Zoe P…
The city has no intention of shirking difficult challenges in its year as UK City of Culture, writes Chenine Bhathena.
We need bold new cultural infrastructures to tackle entrenched inequality in the arts, says Amahra Spence. Can a new project combi…
Creating a theatre inside an empty shop challenges top down hierarchical systems and provides a safe space for conversations, says…
Our sector relies on the National Lottery for over a third of its public investment in a country where almost half a million peopl…
Arts charities are becoming organisational dinosaurs with models not fit for purpose. Rise to the challenge or face extinction, sa…
In the ethical spotlight? Get on the front foot by appealing to values, says Kate Fielding. You need to explain what you’re…
The North leads the way in using culture to connect people with their past, present, and future. So why does publishing remain so…
ACE is right to focus on libraries in its new strategy, says Hassan Vawda – but it must put communities at the heart of its…
We should pay attention to what makes people angry – it points the way to growth and real change, says Hayley Williams-Hindl…
Reflecting inwardly on our values, motivations and mistakes is hard – but make the effort and you'll be rewarded with gr…
Would new proposals for arts funding help all schools become more 'arts-rich'? Or is it too little too late? Sam Cairns as…
Looking for role models who are fleet of foot, democratic, and full of creative flair? Look no further than the Golden Age Pirates…