GDPR one year on: four things to watch out for
Following recent large fines issued by the UK’s privacy watchdog, Raj Shah offers some tips to avoid falling foul of the reg…
Following recent large fines issued by the UK’s privacy watchdog, Raj Shah offers some tips to avoid falling foul of the reg…
Top-down programmes will never bring about meaningful change, says Cath Hume – so it’s time for arts organisations and…
First World War centenary commemorations proved that large-scale cultural projects can effectively mark nationally significant eve…
If arts organisations are serious about developing their boards, they need to think hard about how they recruit and support new tr…
By working in partnership and refusing to patronise audiences, Lyth Arts Centre in Caithness has attracted record numbers, says Ch…
A play at Gloucester Cathedral with a cast drawn from local people sparked real change among participants and spectators alike, wr…
With a budget fast approaching, Arts Council England’s Chief Executive Darren Henley calls on the new Government to back up…
The cultural sector needs to follow Samuel Beckett’s words and “fail again…fail better”, argues Arts Coun…
Arti Prashar was told to never create a job that no one else could fill. She looks back on 13 years as CEO of Spare Tyre Theatre C…
The prospect of leaving the EU inevitably creates uncertainties – but a silver lining is a greater understanding of the valu…
To unlock the full value of culture, Arts Council England needs to support villages, towns and cities across the country to work t…
It's great that arts organisations are recruiting young people to their boards – but they need to really think about why…
Meeting future challenges in the arts sector will not be about managing change, but creating it, says Richard Watts.
Programmes that nurture imagination and ambition can help re-establish the arts as a transformative force, says Robert West.
The Contact Young Curators programme gave Wez Thistlethwaite the opportunity to re-engage his creative muscles by co-curating a wo…
While some in the UK may believe we have little to learn from European collaboration, Anne Torreggiani and Jonathan Goodacre have…
What might a no-deal Brexit do to the independent grassroots networks that currently flourish across the continent, asks Martin Co…
Many British musicians fear that Brexit will reduce their ability to travel easily and cheaply around Europe for work. Francesca T…
With metropolitan bias prevailing at both a national and European level, the best hope for rural arts organisations lies in collab…
The outdoor arts sector has experienced growth over the last decade, but could a no-deal Brexit put the brakes on this? Maggie Cla…
As the Commission gets ready to publish its recommendations on creativity and education, Joe Hallgarten puts forward four ideas he…
Visitor attractions are embracing innovative approaches to maximising sales and income. Debbie Richards explains the approach rece…
Teams can fall into working in isolation, rather than together for a common purpose, in organisations of any size. Nick Stevenson…
Artistic excellence and effective governance are key to the success of major public cultural programmes, writes Nigel Hinds.