Volunteering for the 21st century
New technology and a growing interest from young people has led to a boom in ‘micro-volunteering’ in the arts. Claire…
New technology and a growing interest from young people has led to a boom in ‘micro-volunteering’ in the arts. Claire…
Arts organisations in Wales are becoming more imaginative with the types of volunteer opportunities they offer, from online volunt…
With local authority arts funding slumping, are trusts and foundations picking up the bill? Christy Romer assesses a landscape und…
Fundraising in the arts has never been more highly regulated, but that doesn’t mean organisations should forget their own et…
When project funding slowed after the financial crash, Jaybird Live Literature was unable to put on the technically complex poetry…
Are you leaving money on the table? Tim Baker explains how taking an integrated approach to earned income can help arts organisati…
What lessons can be learned from Harrow Arts Centre about the complex and risky business of moving arts services into independent…
Many arts organisations need to diversify their income streams. Mahmood Reza reveals the three ingredients they need to do so succ…
How easy is it to make the transition from being a performer to becoming the chief executive of an arts organisation? Coreene Arch…
Messages to arts audiences tend to focus on getting people to attend, but do little to trigger the strong feelings that will creat…
Writing an audience development plan isn’t just a tick-box exercise – it’s a valuable process, says Anne Torregg…
For Joe Mackintosh the first three years of the Creative People and Places investment programme has passed in the blink of an eye…
Arts organisations are resourceful, collaborative, entrepreneurial and imaginative, but we must recognise that the long-term decli…
Too many arts venues take on ambitious building projects they can’t easily fund. Rebecca Morland shares some tips on how to…
What does a cultural network have to do – and be – to become strong, sustainable and effective? Four cultural professi…
It’s inevitable that you will get some bad reviews and customer complaints on social media, but how should you respond? Davi…
Arts organisations are increasingly diversifying their sources of income and for some that may require social investment to get an…
Steven Hadley shares his concerns about the shift towards hyperinstrumentalisation in arts policy, which is giving precedence to w…
To achieve true customer relationship management all marketing activities should be turned upside down, focusing much more on the…
Mahmood Reza offers a guide to a powerful approach to budgeting that links in to the indirect costs of carrying out a programme of…
Fans of touring companies are perfect customers – booking early and often in large groups. Sian Dudley reveals how a receivi…
How can social and cultural leaders make the most of each other’s knowledge and change lives for the better? Researcher Jean…
Some arts charities are unsurprisingly nervous about the new General Data Protection Regulation that comes into effect next year….
Are you certain you are reaching your widest possible audience through Facebook? If not, you may need to consider paid advertising…