International cultural exchange
Delivering training to creative businesses across Africa, the Pacific and the Caribbean has taught Visiting Arts the value of form…
Delivering training to creative businesses across Africa, the Pacific and the Caribbean has taught Visiting Arts the value of form…
A new study looking at the benefits of visual art activities for people living with dementia should provide the evidence that deci…
With fewer students studying creative subjects at school, the UK’s Bridge organisations have taken on the challenge to promo…
A simple repertoire scoring system is far more effective than a crystal ball for predicting the popularity of a programme, setting…
mac Birmingham’s outreach programmes are creating meaningful dialogue between the arts centre and local communities, artists…
Make the most of your creativity and don't be afraid to contact people you admire, writes Connie Treves.
Cultural organisations are missing a trick by not tapping into the tourist trade, but a successful strategy involves more than a n…
Scotland’s year-round programme of cultural events attracts huge numbers of international visitors, but it takes careful str…
Wales is two years into an ambitious national initiative to improve education outcomes by embedding creative approaches to learnin…
Arts organisations’ failure to devote proper resources to lifelong learning will lead to the sector falling behind, warns Mi…
External guidance can help transform cultural organisations. Lucy Jamieson introduces two business advisors who will be sharing th…
Effective fundraising is similar to developing a new product or service – it too requires a stepped approach using business…
What skills are creative organisations actually looking for in their employees? George Windsor and Cath Sleeman have been analysin…
Don’t be afraid of fun, catch them early and remember that everyone loves LEGO – Michelle Lally shares her tips for en…
Live-to-screen may offer plenty of opportunities for engagement on multiple channels and platforms, but we need more and better an…
Need to forecast attendances or ticket sales? Jenny Scudamore explains how to make better predictions.
Live entertainment is still a big draw for the Netflix generations, but how should arts organisations go about building relationsh…
In the competitive world of apps, how can a cultural tour app stand out? Researchers at King’s College London and the Univer…
Recent controversy at Shakespeare’s Globe made little mention of a key point raised by Dominic Dromgoole: the importance of…
Brewery Arts Centre increased its charitable income from box office donations by more than 40% when it approached customers at the…
What should people working in the arts do to support writers in their early years? Steve Dearden, co-founder of the The Writing Sq…
Some freelancers and contractors working in the public sector may be taxed at source via PAYE following changes in legislation. Ma…
Sharing skills and resources is not just about altruism, it can unlock new sources of revenue for arts organisations. Benita Matof…
The gender divide amongst artists exhibited and sold is not inevitable, and new research into Artfinder’s online community p…