Onwards and upwards
Vicki Balaam on how the integrated dance landscape has changed and is continuing to develop
Vicki Balaam on how the integrated dance landscape has changed and is continuing to develop
Kara Larson sorts the myths from the truths about “US-style” philanthropy
Anne Bonnar looks at what each of the main parties is promising for Scotland’s arts after the election
Redundancy is never easy, but Sarah Robson has some advice on how the process can be managed through sensitive handling of the red…
We’ve heard lots about the importance of ‘frontline’ organisations recently, but very little about the organisat…
DK loves an audience – and they love him too. Here’s why
Rohan Gunatillake took a trip to Texas to discover the next wave of technologies that are set to revolutionise the arts sector
Hannah Rudman sees geolocative technologies as offering a win/win solution for promoting ticket sales
There’s been a healthy return on investment in developing Facebook and Twitter for the RSC. Amy Clarke explains
New technologies are providing more opportunities for museums’ and galleries’ artworks to be discovered, enjoyed and shared ac…
Ian Budden looks at the advantages and disadvantages of smartphone apps
Oonagh Murphy on turning digital friends, fans and followers into real world visitors
Hannah Nicklin argues that we need to stop passively using the web and the technology available to us, and to start examining and…
Deborah Dignam explains the Gulf Stage project, which is using new technology to bring Arabic theatre to new audiences
Eleanor Turney, ArtsProfessional’s resident Tweeter, shares her thoughts on getting the best from Twitter
Creating captivating content online is about knowing your media – and how to use them. Mark Mapstone reveals ’the big five’
Heather Stewart wonders how social media fundraising will develop and who will capitalise on it successfully
Got a work-related problem? Let AP find an expert with a solution
How many theatre managers today, despite some being recognised for their great importance, believe their work is imperfectly under…
Bonnie Mitchell believes that we need a new language to talk about participatory arts
Apprenticeships can be a great route into employment, and help to diversify a traditionally narrow workforce. Catherine Large expl…
A clear focus on business objectives and a strong partnership between staff and volunteers are the bedrock of an effective costume…
Peter Shand says the regulatory uplift for Scottish charities has come just in time for ‘The Big Society’
Ben Cranfield, Sarah Davies and Natasha Silsby look at the value of academic partnerships in the arts and of holding conversations…