What are we counting?
Roger Tomlinson has more questions than answers about the quality metrics system that Arts Council England’s larger NPOs wil…
Roger Tomlinson has more questions than answers about the quality metrics system that Arts Council England’s larger NPOs wil…
As technology becomes an increasingly distracting force, it’s down to live entertainment to tempt people to set aside their…
As drama is downgraded in our schools, Fiona Banks explains why it is essential for young people to see theatre live on stage.
Art can ask difficult questions and help people engage with complex topics. With conflict and political divisions spreading across…
Joe Hallgarten proposes a new solution to the uncomfortable fact that attendance at taxpayer-subsidised arts events remains stubbo…
Liz Hill tells NPOs, ‘just say no’ to a fundamentally flawed scheme that will reveal more about the nature of the audi…
No wonder there is so much talk about the death of opera when people are excluded from it all the time, says Bill Bankes-Jones. Bu…
UK cities must be granted freedoms to attract inward investment and build the country’s reputation as a creative powerhouse,…
As the debate over whether London needs a new concert hall becomes more divisive, Jodi Myers says it’s time for some careful…
Angry at the continuing discrimination against disabled people as well as the inadequate access in many venues, Andrew Miller refl…
Tired of seeing classical music magazines filled with middle-aged white faces, James Fleury proposes four ‘mental makeovers&…
Will Donald Trump, a liberal arts graduate, be enamoured by an industry with an envious return on investment? Or will his governme…
At Spektrix’s annual conference Vikki Heywood explored the mindsets and mythologies that influence the performing arts today…
Working in local authority arts development was where Martin Cox learned to listen, understand and value people as much as he valu…
The Creative People and Places scheme should prompt new thinking about the role of communities in delivering arts programmes in ar…
Adam Taylor, an organiser of the NewHorizons16 conference on diversity and inclusion, responds to one of the day’s themes: o…
Following AP’s coverage of Arts Council England’s plans to impose a standardised system for measuring artistic quality…
He’s been called Nigerian, Black British and oyinbo, but Inua Ellams just feels normal. He calls for the destruction of &lsq…
Will Jeremy Corbyn’s promise to “restore” Grant in Aid to the arts councils help reinforce Labour’s reputa…
The Northern Powerhouse plans may be turning Manchester into a cultural tour de force, but it will be a force that benefits the wh…
Following revelations that BP influenced curatorial decisions at the British Museum, Chris Garrard examines how arts organisations…
The EBacc debate in Westminster prompts Patrycja Kaszynska to reflect on the role of the arts as a force for political and ci…
Astounded by the sexist remarks she received while touring a theatre production with an all-female crew, Sarah Brown tries to make…
Twenty-five years after writing an article about his concern for ‘the future of black arts’, David Bryan considers whe…