Gateway music
There’s a lot of hubbub on t’internet at the moment about a certain Rebecca Black and her ‘viral’ ‘hit’ Friday. It seems the hive-…
There’s a lot of hubbub on t’internet at the moment about a certain Rebecca Black and her ‘viral’ ‘hit’ Friday. It seems the hive-…
In ‘Charitable Deduction Limit: Bad For Art Nonprofits?’ Elizabeth Blair suggests that President Obama’s deficit-reduc…
Christopher Goodhart is absolutely right when he calls for greater focus on developing philanthropy amongst the mass affluent; peo…
I have worked with a lot of boards in my time. Some incredibly supportive, a guiding hand from afar. Others so hands off they appe…
For the vast majority of arts organisation in England (and pretty much all those in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) 30 March…
They may seem simple questions but topics that seem to be vexing many people at the moment. Is there a difference between a theatr…
I was recently at a training course, which looked at how to work with young people at risk of getting trapped in the benefits syst…
For years you could hear the cry of education funding bodies, the sound echoing through the corridors of drama schools; “wid…
While I am worried that the pressure on arts organisations to recruit and use volunteers is becoming an imperative (‘Volunte…
Phil Redmond appears to have caused a bit of a stir (or, at least, he thinks so) by recommending the establishment of ‘Local…
One of the contradictions of the Big Society is that volunteering is to be encouraged, yet funding is being cut from many organisa…
I suppose it is inevitable that every generation will acquire a rose tinted retrospective. I can’t claim to be excluded from…
“The organisation will conduct an equal opportunities interview – asking all interviewees the same questions and scori…
The front page of the VAGA website is emitting a sadly repetitive mantra: A Foundation closed; Ikon Eastside to close; Animate Pro…
‘Collaboration’ is a word met by many raised eyebrows. It suggests too many cooks, lots of crossed wires and extra adm…
I was in two arts venues in one of our fine cities last week. On both occasions I had to walk past an information desk, a ticket b…
They say there is a rat within 15 metres of every human being; I wonder if the same applies to writers. One of my favourite activi…
At a first glance, the question above might appear a strange one. It’s fairly apparent to anyone working in dance what the role of…
Contemporary dance has always been just a little bit cool. It may not be rake-in-the-money cool, or even city-street-corner cool,…
About nine months I sat, along with some other staff at B arts, in a room with friends from Stoke-based digital and music collecti…
I’ve been preparing for an audition recently. I’m learning a particularly tricky bass line played by one of the stalwarts of the l…
Last week was a very interesting week indeed for the arts in general. For me, not so. The BBC reported the Forbes Top 100 Billiona…
I recently visited rural West Dorset twice in a week. An early evening visit to the beach enclave of Burton Bradstock prior to a T…
Like pretty much every Internet user, I have pop-up blockers on my web browser, spam filters on my email and always ignore the adv…