What have creative practices ever done for us?
Some humanities subjects have been declared obsolete and – by extension – useless areas of education and research. Mig…
Some humanities subjects have been declared obsolete and – by extension – useless areas of education and research. Mig…
There is no need for alarm over an increase in churn of arts leaders, says Jodi Myers. But the sector should consider what support…
A key question for the new government has to be how to create the conditions for artists of all backgrounds to flourish, argues Pa…
In a period of fast change, financial pressures, despair about public service provision and political upheaval in the UK and abroa…
A change of government! Hurray. A chance for a new approach to running the country, to tax and spend, reflecting the wants and nee…
All parties seem to agree that devolution is a good thing but the details about how culture will feature are scant. Anne Torreggia…
In a radical reimagining of the classical music paradigm, Sarah Alexander shares the National Youth Orchestra’s model for en…
Dance is part of the national curriculum and schools are statutorily obliged to provide it. So why is a blind eye being turned to…
Following extensive research into the finances of arts organisations, Sarah Thelwall of MyCake reflects on the serious implication…
Arts organisations are committed to reaching marginalised young people through their creative practice. But what happens when youn…
Regardless of the setting, every school deserves a teacher who is afforded the space and professional trust to teach an inspiring…
The Higher Education sector is up in arms about proposed cuts to creative arts courses which, it says, will further damage the UK&…
The erosion of opportunities to study the expressive arts in school has created a crisis in arts teaching, writes Sally Bacon.
With a Royal garden party for the creative industries coming hot on the heels of cultural leaders’ participation in a trade…
The challenges facing London’s cultural sector are legion, but they cannot be addressed in isolation. Southbank Centre's…
Representatives from across the cultural sector have written an open letter to Dame Mary Archer, who is due to chair the governmen…
The decimation of arts education has hit the music sector particularly hard. Deborah Annetts of the Independent Society of Musicia…
To mark World Intellectual Property Day, Adele Morse thinks it’s time the UK caught up with other countries in pay…
Co-Founder of Freedom in the Arts, Rosie Kay, thinks the arts in the UK have strayed into a culture of intolerance, which has led…
Voters across England go to the polls next week (2 May) to elect many thousands of new councillors and 10 metro mayors – one…
There has been a massive decline in arts for young people over the last 15 years. So much so that Joe Hallgarten thinks we need a…
A blog post by a former government adviser has called for a cap on the number of students studying creative subjects. Orian Brook…
Artistic freedom is an increasingly contested area of public discourse. But as Ruth Anderson of Index on Censorship argues, while…
Andrew Pinnock, a former Arts Council officer, thinks it’s time for an honest review of our national development agency for…