Call for ‘immediate action’ to safeguard local culture
Urgent action is required to protect local cultural services in the face of the cost of living crisis, a Local Government Associat…
Urgent action is required to protect local cultural services in the face of the cost of living crisis, a Local Government Associat…
A run-down for arts organisations in Wales interested in applying to Arts Council Wales’ next multi-year funding programme.
An Arts Council England (ACE) funding stream aimed at individuals working in the cultural sector has opened for its 16th edition….
A plan outlining how government intends to support growth in the creative industries will be published early next year, a DCMS Min…
The Welsh Government is set to decrease the funding it gives to Arts Council Wales (ACW) in 2023/24 by 1.1%, according to its draf…
Arts Council England rebuffs move to have discussions with English National Opera over possible relocation to Manchester published…
Nearly three quarters of applicants for a support programme for artists in Northern Ireland have been rejected. The BBC reports th…
A theatre that will no longer be funded as part of Arts Council England's (ACE) National Portfolio has announced the departure…
Arts Council England Chief Executive Darren Henley highlights future possibilities for English National Opera while facing questio…
Arts Professional has been heavily focused on arts funding in England in recent weeks. But how are arts councils in Scotland, Wale…
Five artists have been awarded a total of £40,000 by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland for new digital art projects….
Culture Secretary distances herself from £120m project dubbed 'festival of Brexit' as chair of select committee labe…
Music Venue Trust (MVT), has announced the first recipients of its new funding initiative, which provides grants of up to £5…
Museums and galleries across England are receiving a share of £4m to improve displays, protect collections and make exhibiti…
Investigation of government's flagship UNBOXED festival finds it was given go-ahead despite an 'overstatement' of its…
Westminster City Council has announced it will set aside £1.8m for arts and culture funding over the next four years. The co…
The British Council has announced £14m of funding to protect international heritage at risk from factors including conflict…
IPSOs will take over the role of current Sector Support Organisations, but with a renewed focus on Arts Council England’s In…
Eleven schools in Belfast and Londonderry will receive funding enabling them to participate in a pioneering education programme in…
New research that identifies how the pandemic heightened artists’ precarity highlights radically different perspectives for…
Department for Digital Media and Sport Select Committee will hold an evidence session with Arts Council England's Chief Execut…
ACE has pulled off a coup in racial and geographic equity. Kevin Osborne says now we need to fight to prevent any reversal of this…
MPs from across the political divide call for government intervention on Arts Council England's investment plans, suggesting t…
The arts will benefit from a record return in Good Causes funding after The National Lottery announced its highest ever sales for…