ACE sets new NPO announcement date
Announcement of Arts Council England's next National Portfolio rescheduled for Friday 4 November amid sector concerns over imp…
Announcement of Arts Council England's next National Portfolio rescheduled for Friday 4 November amid sector concerns over imp…
The email Arts Council England sent on Tuesday (25 October) delaying the announcement of the new national portfolio is final proof…
What are the everyday experiences of arts and cultural organisations in generating and diversifying income in times of austerity?…
A decision to delay the announcement of Arts Council England's investment plans was made due to this week's government res…
Following a spate of closures in recent weeks, the Scottish Government is in talks about how to help struggling arts and culture o…
With less than a day to go until arts and culture organisations were due to find out whether they will receive investment as part…
With less than a week to go until the details of the new National Portfolio are announced, Arts Professional looks at what organis…
Kevin Osborne has made perhaps one of the most public and prolonged critiques of Arts Council England ever. But now he wants to se…
A new funding initiative from the Music Venue Trust (MVT) is offering grants of up to £5,000 for UK grassroots music venues….
Pioneering German artist Kurt Schwitters’ rural retreat in the Lake District is slated to be sold for development after repe…
Decisions on which organisations will be chosen for the National Portfolio for the next three years will be announced next week in…
Museums and galleries in Scotland can apply for funding to help make buildings more energy efficient to counteract rising costs.
Survey of museums highlights concerns about fixed-term energy contracts ending and the inability of organisations to absorb high e…
London's Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) is hoping to plug its annual funding shortfall with a renewed focus on live…
The Arts Council of Northern Ireland has opened a funding programme that aims to give arts organisations the skills to create digi…
What's the plan for London-based arts organisations earmarked for relocation once Arts Council England announces its next Nati…
An official probe into the value for money provided by the £120m Unboxed festival will be conducted by the National Audit Of…
The Edinburgh International Film Festival has been shut down with immediate effect after the charity that runs it, the Centre for…
Theatres could face closure if they do not receive support to help with the cost-of-living crisis, the Arts Council of Wales (ACW)…
Two arts commentators have published a booklet calling for Arts Council England (ACE) to be abolished, claiming its 'left-wing…
Creative Scotland has warned that a combination of rising costs, falling income and the impact of Brexit means it is likely to hav…
The UK government is to invest a £60m underspend from the Birmingham 2022 budget to increase access to culture and sport acr…
With the date Arts Council England announces funding decisions for the next National Portfolio confirmed as Wednesday 26 October,…
Coventry Council is set to loan £1m to the Trust behind the City of Culture bid so that legacy projects can go ahead. …