PRS backpedals on streaming licence for small events
A temporary change to its controversial fees has received both a warm welcome and a cold shoulder.
A temporary change to its controversial fees has received both a warm welcome and a cold shoulder.
PRS for Music’s controversial new streaming licences were inevitable, writes Phil Tucker. Those who embrace the change will…
The music industry is furious after steep new tarrifs on streaming live events were introduced with little to no consultation.
A new ticketing system designed by museums for musems is providing free support with the twin challenges of running timed ent…
Supporting creative practitioners with opportunities at this time is vital, but do so wisely, says Guy Armitage. Running an o…
Rowan Kerek Robertson offers practical advice on protecting yourself and your organisation from online abuse – and what to d…
The music industry is up in arms over the licensing body’s plan to impose tariffs of up to 17% on live streaming ticket…
Anthony Padgett says artificial intelligence has a role in selecting, curating and even creating art, but the sector must define t…
Long-distance relationships needn’t limit ambition. Sarah Fisher, Ying Kwok and Lindsay Taylor describe a sustainable approa…
Lucy Askew explores the possibilities behind a digital theatre platform that puts first things first, and the digital repertory co…
If 2020 has given us anything, it’s a recognition that arts organisations need to engage with technology – and that th…
Technology has been working miracles delivering live performance online. Jonathan Vaughan asked Julian Hepple about the magic &nda…
Audiences are ready to return but they need reassurance to take the first step. A new digital toolkit will help bridge the gap, sa…
The much-vaunted idea of liveness relies on two different but equally important types of connection. Peter Ord examines the techni…
Fear of being excluded holds artists back from challenging the major platforms.
Despite what you may have heard, theatre isn’t dead. Moving online has made new spaces for creativity and collaboration that…
What the new importance of digital in arts and culture has shown most clearly is that now is the time to reinvent – not rein…
Lucie Andersen-Wood explains how this year’s festivals have combined oral tradition with broadcasting – and given…
New software that assesses thousands of applications at once gave Arts Council England funding applicants a red, amber or gre…
While theatres are in lockdown it’s difficult to look ahead. But Andrew Howard sees technological change as driving a new an…
Even during the pandemic, virtual reality can offer a bridge into theatre for digitally curious audiences. Laura Mallows explains…
Cultural organisations and funders are investing in digital to keep artistic activity alive – whether social distancing rule…
A new DCMS Committee Inquiry is set to "shine a torch into the murky corners of the streaming payment model".
What would the digital performing arts look like if the arts had their own software platform, responsive to artistic needs? Ron Ev…