Families could boost sector’s recovery, survey suggests
Families are willing to pay as-usual prices for digital and outdoor arts events, but organisations' offerings must meet their…
Families are willing to pay as-usual prices for digital and outdoor arts events, but organisations' offerings must meet their…
Taking indoor activity into outdoor spaces offers one possible solution to the challenge of social distancing. Kate Rolfe explores…
70% of audiences say they are willing to pay for digital events as full capacity shows remain on ice. But the shift towards user-p…
Even if people are willing to pay for digital performances, are they willing to pay enough? Robin Cantrill Fenwick examines the da…
Survey data that suggests a third of digital arts audiences only engage online raises new possibilities for the post-Covid cu…
The pandemic didn’t stop Music in the Round running the Sheffield Chamber Music Festival online – and learning from th…
The costs of making and distributing music have both come down, but streaming income is very low. John Funge examines the financia…
In the current climate it’s time to adapt digital fundraising strategies and look at how your data can help boost online don…
Despite the blow the lockdown has dealt to its plans, dreams, ambitions and finances, Tomorrow’s Warriors are managing to th…
As live-to-digital capture, broadcast and live-streaming are embraced more widely in the rush to build up work online, emerging te…
In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic it may become harder still for talented people to break into the media, but the New Creati…
As the Arts and Humanities Research Council sets out to demonstrate the role digital developments can play in arts and culture, so…
Fine art students at the University of Lincoln are determined not to let coronavirus ruin their degree show. Emma Brice explains h…
As ad hoc agreements are hastily put in place to enable performances to be streamed to audiences at home, AP has discovered an eco…
Interest in virtual museum tours was shortlived, suggests US research, which finds that ‘things to do with kids’, &lsq…
A quarter of those who have accessed cultural content online since the coronavirus crisis began have done so for the first time, r…
Being fleet of foot and digitally prepared means MSL is ahead of most in re-configuring its programme online. But in a landscape t…
In uncertain times, ArtsProfessional will be providing regular updates on projects and resources to support wellbeing, career…
As the sector turns to technology, here’s what you need to know about running online-only events.
New research says that “when it comes to reaching more diverse and younger audiences … digital may be having less of…
The city has no intention of shirking difficult challenges in its year as UK City of Culture, writes Chenine Bhathena.
Here’s what your organisation needs to know about funding and regulatory changes now that the UK is out of the EU.
The department is refusing to comment on widespread rumours it will be downsized or disbanded in February.
It’s getting harder to stand out from the crowd. Matt Locke shares his top tips on how to make more of your digital content.