The world’s a stage
Harper Ray explains how Globe Education is producing education resources that are as vivid for those further afield as for those a…
Harper Ray explains how Globe Education is producing education resources that are as vivid for those further afield as for those a…
Katy Carr sees an online future for literature
Skinder Hundal sees the merging of digital and traditional as opening up opportunities for new relationships between artists and a…
Lesley Anne Rose describes Stellar Quines’s journey from analogue to digital – and the bright light at the end of the tunnel
This September Southbank Centre will showcase twenty-three music and dance pieces created by an international band of seventy-two…
Producing a programme for a digital audience requires many of the same skills as any other type of programming, as young people in…
Kerry Michael and Jessica Kranish explain how audiences are being engaged through digital media in Theatre Royal Stratford East’…
Ellie Manwell explains how bringing digital technology into the gallery space is helping Dulwich Picture Gallery enhance the visit…
Arts and culture organisations in England and Scotland looking to explore opportunities presented by digital technologies can now…
Charlotte Jones raises questions about Arts Council England’s recent choice of projects to receive its Strategic Touring funds
Yvette Vaughan Jones looks towards a Creative Europe 2014 – and beyond
A new concert hall has the facility for a conductor in Europe to conduct an orchestra onstage in Florida while the audience enjoys…
Jonathan Goodacre reflects on the Arts Marketing Association’s Press and PR Summit, 8 March 2012
The artz trail is taking art out of the gallery and onto the streets of Brighton. Nick Dunn explains the technology behind the pro…
Arts programming across digital media platforms will be launched to coincide with the London 2012 Festival
Web 2.0 has changed the face of the Internet. Katie Moffat investigates how new media is transforming arts journalism now that eve…
Innovation funding needs to meet the specific needs of cultural organisations and that isn’t always about creating something rad…
Overcoming social and economic barriers to arts engagement is at the heart of Threshold Studios’ work, which is why most of its…
An experimental digital arts media service and commissioning programme is being planned by the BBC in partnership with Arts Counci…
Eight digital research and development projects have been selected from 495 applications for a share of the Digital Research and D…
Heather Stewart celebrates the potential of crowd funding and crowd sourcing as income streams – but only as part of an overall…
Hasan Bakhshi argues that research and development in the arts plays an important role, just as it does in science or technology
In this digital age, instantaneous communication with the other side of the world comes at the touch of a button – sor…
I read with interest that there is a well-funded competition in the USA – the Knight/NEA Community Arts Journalism Challenge…