Taking Part report shows arts engagement static
Arts engagement has not increased in England since 2005/06, although there have been pockets of growth amongst those in rural area…
Arts engagement has not increased in England since 2005/06, although there have been pockets of growth amongst those in rural area…
Music venues and festivals that have signed an accessibility ‘Charter of Best Practice’ have seen an increase in ticke…
Carien Meijer describes some recent developments of technology and musical instruments for disabled musicians.
Volunteers are now at the heart of a national programme to improve wellbeing and social cohesion, says Penny East.
Bobby Baker, Artistic Director of Daily Life Ltd, names those who have inspired and guided her.
Arts venues in Wales have joined forces to implement a new national scheme that aims to provide more consistent and reliable arts…
The closure of the Independent Living Fund and cuts to the Access to Work scheme will lead to a massive reduction in the number of…
A Disability Action Plan for the arts in Northern Ireland hopes to raise the numbers of disabled people attending, participating a…
The latest data reveals a shift in both employment practices and audience patterns among Arts Council of Wales’ Revenue Fund…
Louisa Davison tells how two companies have pulled down the barriers between ballet and integrated contemporary dance.
To make Southbank Centre’s Unlimited Festival a success, Wendy Martin knew that she had to improve accessibility for the 100…
As the Independent Theatre Council celebrates its 40th anniversary, its members discussed touring, artists’ pay, inclusion a…
Arts participation continues to grow in Northern Ireland, though attendance has fallen and engagement is declining among disabled…
Report finds that many arts organisations lack the expertise or resources needed to meet the requirements of the Equality Act 2010…
There have been very few progression routes in the performing arts for young, disabled people who want to make a career in the art…
Andrew Miller speaks out on discrimination in the arts, asking why “disabled people are nearly invisible with embarrassingly…
A new website dedicated to creating more international opportunities for Deaf and disabled artists is aiming to draw the attention…
Why are we not critically engaging with learning disability arts? Bella Todd reports on the recent Creative Minds conference.
Creu Cymru is to lead on the development of a ‘National Disabled Visitors’ Card Scheme’ in Wales.
Dance workshops, courses and events in Somerset have allowed over 400 people with mental health issues to ‘escape their trou…
Mat Fraser focuses his disability activism on how exhibitions in medical museums can change ideas and attitudes around disability.
Ruth Gould found her mojo on her journey through the arts into disability cultures and activism, to her current role at DaDaFest.
The Creative Minds project asks how the work of artists with a learning disability can best join the mainstream. Mark Richardson e…
The Bloomsbury Festival in a Box outreach scheme is tackling cultural exclusion, reports Cathy Mager.