AP meets… Ed Vaizey
In the first of a series of conversations with sector leaders, Editor Amanda Parker sat down for lunch with former arts minister E…
In the first of a series of conversations with sector leaders, Editor Amanda Parker sat down for lunch with former arts minister E…
Arts numpty? Or sector swot? Test your team's knowledge with ArtsProfessional's light-hearted look at the year's news&…
If your first and preferred language is British Sign Language, what challenges do you face as a Deaf freelance artist – and…
The lack of affordable skills-based training and opportunities to learn from others makes it much harder for people from disadvant…
Creating a production that allowed a young and inexperienced disabled British Asian actor to play an authentic character was a rew…
Campaigner and broadcaster Andrew Miller and theatre-maker Jess Thom are among those included in the Shaw Trust’s latest Dis…
ArtsProfessional asked people working at the intersection of arts and neurodiversity what changes are needed.
Autism should be seen as a cultural difference rather than an impairment, says Hayley Williams-Hindle.
New figures show a continuing trend of disabled adults engaging with the arts – but an ongoing decline in creative pursuits…
Five years after first highlighting discriminatory attitudes in ArtsProfessional, the Government’s Disability Champion for A…
A lack of diversity will persist unless unfair levels of pay are addressed, says Becky Chapman.
Medical museums can be deeply offensive to disabled visitors. Richard Sandell introduces a radical project that replaced prejudice…
The 18 successful bids include projects working with potential leaders from lower socio-economic backgrounds, and those with learn…
BME-led organisations were 60% more likely to fall at the first hurdle of Project Grants applications – while LGBT-led group…
Tara Lopez identifies three key themes that have emerged so far from the four-year Vital Spark initiative.
The Hub at Wellcome Collection brings together academics and practitioners to tackle issues like rest and busyness, rare dementias…
A new partnership hopes to bring disabled and non-disabled musicians together to create accessible instruments and remove barriers…
Only one in four of the top 100 venues are considered to be more than 90% accessible.
How can arts organisations best nurture a thriving and committed community of volunteers? Robin Hall shares her experience of gain…
New research finds only 4% of bookings that included wheelchair access needs were made online, compared to 60% of all transactions…
Last month, weekly arts group participants with sensory impairments, physical disabilities and mental illnesses came together to p…
Fear of negative reactions is deterring Deaf and disabled musicians from mentioning their access needs when talking to promoters,…
Wales' national arts access scheme for disabled people and their carers removes the need for uncomfortable eligibility convers…
More than 100 people and organisations have signed The Cultural Inclusion Manifesto, making an urgent plea for strategic partnersh…