South Yorkshire bids to become music education hub
South Yorkshire has thrown its hat in the ring to become the home of a new music education hub. The South Yorkshire Mayoral Combin…
South Yorkshire has thrown its hat in the ring to become the home of a new music education hub. The South Yorkshire Mayoral Combin…
Government must recruit "an army of music teachers" to avert the risk of a lost generation of talent, leaders in the mus…
Former students of Royal Ballet School and Elmhurst Ballet School claim they were bullied and encouraged to lose weight.
Kimberly Harding’s desire to study Black British theatre was born decades ago. This summer she travelled to London to make i…
Zoie Golding and Ollie Webb are 20 years apart in age and experience. Coming from backgrounds where a career in dance would be unl…
Money will go to 29 schools in areas of high deprivation to provide access to musical instruments to young people facing the bigge…
The total number of exam entries to all creative arts subjects falls by 4% compared with last year, representing its smallest ever…
Watchdog escalates inquiry into Kogan Academy of Dramatic Arts as accounts for three financial years remain outstanding.
Approval is heralded as a signal government recognises the importance of cultural education, but there are questions around the la…
Sector leaders reignite call for educational reforms as entries to exams in creative subjects make up just over 10% of all A-level…
Concerns raised that school leavers are not being informed of opportunities in the creative industries.
The charity aims to train a new generation in vanishing heritage skills needed to preserve endangered historic properties, includi…
Pilot scheme aims to improve the provision of enrichment activities such as art and drama in up to 200 secondary schools in areas…
Hardly a day goes by without a fresh attack on arts and humanities degrees as ‘low value’. Stuart Croft, Vice-Chancell…
Report identifies risk of patchier arts provision for young people following Arts Council England's decision to stop funding B…
Dancer, choreographer and director, Carlos Acosta, and the Acosta Dance Foundation (ADF) have announced the launch of a new dance…
Newham Council and the University of East London (UEL) have announced a partnership aimed at increasing cultural and creative oppo…
Leading figure in music education warns the top-down nature of planned government reforms has created 'more challenge, more cr…
Medway School of Arts is set to open its doors in September on a site at The Historic Dockyard, Chatham. The new school will be ru…
Open letter to Education Secretary, with more than 1,150 signatures, calls on government to review and reform Ebacc and Progress 8…
Admission restrictions to be placed on so-called 'low-value' degrees with high drop-out rates and poor employment prospect…
A-Level students in Bury St Edmunds have had their street art removed after less than a week due to complaints. The art students f…
Peers say government must consider skills development, careers guidance and research and development tax relief in discussion on c…
Labour leader says every child will be given the opportunity to take arts subjects until the age of 16 as part of the party’…