Exploitation rife as unpaid work subsidises the arts
Working practices that “wouldn't be tolerated in any other industry” have become the norm across the sector, with…
Working practices that “wouldn't be tolerated in any other industry” have become the norm across the sector, with…
A student’s academic ability and the wealth of their parents are key indicators of the likelihood that they will get the cha…
Formal education is missing an opportunity to support young people's development by failing to recognise the forms of music th…
The cultural sector has become a self-endorsing closed shop and it’s high time for a shake-up. Simon Dancey throws down the…
Limited opportunities are preventing the authentic voices of disabled directors and writers from being heard. The sector needs to…
As falling budgets make it ever-harder to programme risk-taking work, how can venues engage with new LGBT+ audiences? Kaya Stanley…
At a time when the UK is looking to tighten its borders, Julia Grime looks at how German theatre has been welcoming the cultural i…
How can arts and culture reach a broader audience that more accurately reflects local communities? Sarah Boiling explores how to c…
What is it like to be an artist working in the East Midlands? Elizabeth Hawley-Lingham and Paula Serafini spent two years looking…
Barriers to collaboration between universities and black and minority ethnic community organisations could be removed says Katheri…
Claims by the Onward thinktank that young people should be steered away from “low value” degrees because they leave ta…
Kwame Bakoji-Hume explains how sharing knowledge of African culture through school workshops can shine a light on important contem…
What recruitment practices best support diversity? Damian Iorio explains how the National Youth String Orchestra makes sure it&rsq…
Over 70% of respondents now working in music, the visual arts or museums/heritage come from households where the main income earne…
Lack of career progression among women in the cultural sector is the overwhelming contributor to the significant gender pay gap re…
Mark Doyle says that a clear sense of purpose has encouraged leading artists to participate in an ambitious programme of contempor…
An evidence review concludes that nuances around the impact of arts interventions are being lost as evaluations take “an ove…
Justin Madders made the comments in relation to a tribunal hearing concerning the employment rights of art educators at the Nation…
How can Arts Council England do more to include the voices of people with experience of the criminal justice system? The National…
Vital Spark is a national initiative aiming to create more inclusive and diverse performances for children and young people. Tara…
When invited to carry out a creative evaluation of the first three years of Creative People and Places, Sarah Butler decided that…
The tendency for people from higher social grades to be more likely to attend arts events is down to a mismatch between current fu…
The CEO and Artistic Director of Déda reflects on the influential figures he has learned from.
The DCMS Committee has been told that musicians are increasingly coming from wealthier backgrounds as record labels transfer risk…