Report proposes sweeping changes in charity fundraising regulation
A government-commissioned panel is calling for a ‘Fundraising Preference Service’ to be established, allowing the publ…
A government-commissioned panel is calling for a ‘Fundraising Preference Service’ to be established, allowing the publ…
Arts fundraising is in an exciting state of flux and Ben Walmsley is confident that the next generation will be steering…
Sheffield Theatres has launched a ‘Public Dress Rehearsal’ scheme to raise funds. Members of the public will be invite…
How do arts organisations attract donations from wealthy entrepreneurs? One of them, Mahdi Yahya, offers his tips on how to approa…
Three-quarters of organisations eligible for match funding through the Catalyst Endowment scheme being run by the Heritage Lottery…
The Department for Culture, Media and Sport has come together with the Cabinet Office, the Scottish Government, HM Treasury and th…
Do potential donors really understand the value of small-scale touring theatre? Joanna Ridout considers how the sector might bette…
Want to attract support from local businesses? First you’ve got to learn to talk the talk, advises Jon Flinn.
A new report by academic researchers finds no evidence that match giving will increase donations to crowd funding campaigns.
Unless arts organisations make their voices heard in the Government's Gift Aid consultation, the sector could shortly be facin…
An honest assessment of the fundraising challenges facing outdoor arts organisations delivers a cautionary tale about the potentia…
Describing the current Gift Aid scheme as “no longer fit for purpose,” the Treasury is calling for evidence of the pro…
There are probably more millionaires in your audience than you think. Libby Penn reveals how to find high-net-worth individuals al…
The national online giving platform, which charges among the highest fees of all suppliers, has been propped up by a £125k g…
Arts organisations are changing rapidly to keep up with economic developments, but are grant-makers keeping up? Michelle Wright&nb…
Growing support from backers, and news that the city will play host to the Turner Prize in 2017, have prompted more ambitious fund…
Data management has to be everyone’s responsibility and not just seen as an “esoteric specialism”, says Michael…
Are vision, mission and values at the heart of good cultural fundraising? Michelle Wright explains why arts organisations need to…
With little known about how small arts organisations can most effectively use crowdfunding, Oonagh Murphy decided to find out thro…
A review of Arts Council England’s Catalyst programme reveals a shift in attitudes towards fundraising but delivers little e…
At a time when fundraising for the arts seems mostly to be done by white females, Michelle Wright speaks to development profession…
Selling a new building’s fixtures, furnishings and finishing’s through the box office is a fundraising winner. Libby P…
If ethical questions lead us to pick and choose what is right and wrong from an artistic perspective, or to judge the credentials…
Fundraising success at DCMS-funded cultural organisations and Arts Council England NPOs is leading to a shrinking proportion of th…