Ethnic representation in children’s literature reaches new, low high
Ambitions to increase the number of creators of colour have been raised amid improvements in the incidence and portrayal of Black,…
Ambitions to increase the number of creators of colour have been raised amid improvements in the incidence and portrayal of Black,…
New guidelines have been drawn up to protect playwrights whose future work is under threat, existing work is being streamed free,…
The slush fund is the latest urgent funding measure to support imperilled freelancers.
On the eve of Brexit, musicians and authors are calling for equivalent legislation to safeguard their intellectual property rights…
An evaluation of a three-year scheme finds writing programmes should prioritise writing for pleasure, rather than trying to improv…
A new report calls for £200m investment and a national reading movement to improve the UK’s mental health, wellbeing a…
In Wales, people living with dementia, and their carers, are being offered fiction as well as self-help books to help them manage…
The national funder is concerned by low income for writers and a lack of diversity in the sector, and has pledged more support for…
The cities join a 180-strong network, which already features ten UK cities including Bradford and Glasgow.
When project funding slowed after the financial crash, Jaybird Live Literature was unable to put on the technically complex poetry…
Literature Wales was stunned by the review, which recommended stripping the body of its main responsibilities and handing them ove…
When her circus arts company was invited to perform in a library, Camille Bensoussan feared there would be endless health and safe…
What should people working in the arts do to support writers in their early years? Steve Dearden, co-founder of the The Writing Sq…
Arts Council England funding for projects to tackle disadvantage is accused of being “window dressing” in the context…
How can we make sure that authors are paid fairly in times of technological change? Luke Alcott discusses the steps that are being…
Model skeletons, cubed earwax and mentoring young writers – all in a week’s work for Ministry of Stories’ Oz Yik…
A storytelling project that invited young people to challenge the traditional role of libraries culminated in midnight performance…
A £5.4m-a-year grant to give away packs of free books to all children in England places the Book Trust among Arts Council En…
It is not trade that binds Europe together, it’s culture, argues Eric Lane. He explains how a reading campaign is engaging w…
From Tamasha Theatre Company to the Free Word Centre, Bryan Savery traces the course of his career.
When Torbay’s annual Agatha Christie Week was expanded into a major literature festival things took an unexpected turn. Anna…
How can literature and publishing thrive in the wake of Creative Scotland's review of the cultural sector, asks Andrew Ormston…
Following a review of the literature and publishing sector, Creative Scotland is supporting new schemes to promote Scottish writer…
Being a young, female leader in the arts is a novelty – one Isobel Colchester has come to realise she must explore and celeb…