‘Better Than the Alternative’ (A Creative Ageing Symposium)
The Dukes Theatre, Lancaster – would like to invite you to join us in celebration of our pioneering work with older people.
During this 2-day symposium we will be bringing together an exciting mix of individuals and groups to explore the concept of creative ageing and to debunk common stereotypes of older people.
We wish to see a future where creative work with older people is meaningful and important, helps people to live longer and more fulfilled lives and gives people access to creative opportunities and experiences, that also has a positive impact on wider society.
We are presenting an exciting and varied line up of creative practitioners, health professionals and key contacts from academia, who will present and share best practice and new and innovative responses which highlight and address key challenges from the sector.
The 2-day event will include:
- A series of keynote speakers – who are all experts in their fields
- Interactive workshops
- Panel discussions
- Networking opportunities · Performances and showcases from our Prime Time members and other creative ageing projects
Confirmed presenters include:
Andy Barry – Theatre Director and Elders Programme Producer at the Royal Exchange Theatre in Manchester
Stephen Sandford – Chief Allied Health Professions Officer, NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board
David Cutler – Director and Leader of its Arts and Older People programme at the Baring Foundation
Dr Georgia Bowers – Lecturer and Programme Leader for the BA (Hons) Applied and Contemporary Theatre degree at the Guildford School of Acting, University of Surrey.
Teri Stephenson – CEO Age UK Lancashire
This insightful event is open to all, with the programme of activity being tailored to creative professionals with an interest in health and wellbeing, health professionals, local people with an interest in the creative arts and community engagement, academic researchers and professionals in health and creative subjects, freelancers and students. It is part-funded by the National Lottery Community fund and is a culmination of a 3-year funding term. Tickets are available to book here: Better Than the Alternative Symposium: DAY1 › The Dukes
For further details, contact:
Charlie Brown, Older People’s Coordinator at the Dukes Theatre, primetime@dukeslancaster.org.uk

- Date:
- Apr 30, 2025 - May 1, 2025
- Time:
- 09:00 - 22:00
- Organiser:
- The Dukes Playhouse
- Booking:
- Website