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Online National Arts Fundraising School

The world's most intensive and innovative arts fundraising programme. Join us in October in person or choose the online version

If you work in the arts, heritage or culture field you need new skills and approaches to breakthrough to a higher level of funding. And there’s only one training programme in the UK that offers a risk-free, money-back guarantee of success – The National Arts Fundraising School

Make 2024 the year you join other high performing fundraisers who’ve between them raised over £450M thanks to this training.

You can choose from three formats:

All the formats cover 28 modules  – you’ll cover everything you need to know about contemporary fundraising to create a powerful integrated strategy– from confident HNWI solicitation to designing effective online crowdfunders and from launching a legacy programme to securing high value commercial sponsorship. (And we’ll be including the + and – of AI this year!)

Act now to secure your place. November online has just 5 places left. And we have just 7 places left on the October in-person and in-person plus programmes. Prices go up for 2025.

Need more information? Here’s a detailed timetable for the intensive in person option and here’s one for the low-cost flexible online option. Need to know more ?- invest 4 mins 59 seconds as I tell you about all your choices.

Need more convincing?

“Since doing the course we’ve been successful with ACE, Lottery, and six substantial foundations. We’ve also brought in co-production income and contracts helped by the presentation/pitch module.”  Daniel King, Executive Director, Icon Theatre

“I calculate that since the School I’ve raised £2m in multi-year grants plus some individual giving. A pretty good return on Investment! I’m in the process of putting in a bid of £90k pa over 4 years from a foundation. Must get on!” Becky Chapman, Executive Director, Diverse City

“I’m constantly drawing on the many pearls of wisdom you poured into my brain when I attended the NAFS course last year. Today I secured a donation of £47,000 from a single individual- my first major donor gift. It happened because you taught me how to focus on what is important and how to listen. Boy that listening thing is important.” Ali Bowden, Edinburgh UNESCO City of Literature.

Act now to secure your place and begin your fundraising breakthrough.

Book your place now

Oct 28, 2024 - Nov 1, 2024
National Arts Fundraising School

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