My Gurus – Avril Hitman

As she prepares to step down from the company she founded over 30 years ago, Avril Hitman reflects on her career at the forefront of inclusive dance.


Arts People |

By Avril Hitman

01 January 1970

Photo of Avril Hitman with young girls

Margot Fonteyn

I learnt ballet from a very young age and, like many young girls, I dreamed of being a ballerina. As I grew up I discovered that I had a passion and desire to dance, and decided to train to be a dance teacher.

During my student days at the London College of Dance and Drama in the 1970s, I saw many different dance performances at Covent Garden, sitting high up in the gods (all I could afford as a student). I was privileged to see Fonteyn and Nureyev perform together.

I saw how dance can transform lives and take the audience out of their everyday lives. I also watched many contemporary dance performances and noticed how different dance styles can complement each other.

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