My Gurus

Peter Welch, Managing Director of arts sponsorship agency Showcase, names those who inspire him.

Arts People |

By Peter Welch

01 January 1970


Sue Buckmaster
One of the pleasures of my working day is meeting a wonderful spectrum of creative and passionate arts professionals. I’m always struck by the extraordinary value that the arts manage to squeeze out of each pound spent. One organisation for which this is particularly true is children’s theatre company Theatre-Rites, led by Artistic Director Sue Buckmaster. They have been described as the Cinderella of the theatre world, as their considerable contribution to the arts is often over looked. Sue’s insightful, inventive and shrewd handling of this organisation has allowed them to produce an impressive catalogue of theatre works for children; work that really connects with the audience and stretches the imaginations of children, and the future generations of performers, directors and theatre-goers.

Peter Welch is Managing Director of arts sponsorship agency Showcase.

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