Frequently asked questions

Got a question not answered here? Call us on 01223 200200 or email [email protected].

A: Download our most recent readership figures, including web stats, email distribution and social media reach AP in Numbers.

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Q: Do you charge for advertising jobs?

A: Yes. Our price framework for recruitment advertising is here

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Q: Why do you charge for advertising?

A: There are two very simple reasons:

1. We rely on advertising revenues to sustain our position as a trusted independent voice, in a sector where others may feel unable to speak out.

2. Independence gives Arts Professional the freedom to draw attention to some of the most important issues facing the arts sector today. We’re not funded by anyone, and we take seriously our responsibility to speak the truth and hold public bodies to account. Every advert that is placed with us helps us continue with our work supporting the sector.

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Q: How much do you charge?

A: Our price framework for recruitment advertising is here

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Q: Do you offer discounts for charities?

A: The vast majority of our clients are charities, so our prices already reflect this. However, we can zero- rate VAT invoices for registered charities. Please request that the VAT on your invoice is zero rated and provide your charity registration number upon booking.

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Q: Do you offer multiple booking discounts?

A: Yes. There is a scale of discounts for adverts placed and invoiced at the same time. Select the option to pay by invoice and then email [email protected] to request the multiple booking discount – we will then apply this and reissue your invoice.

  • 2 adverts: 5%
  • 3 adverts: 10%
  • 4 adverts: 15%
  • 5+ adverts: 20%

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Q: Do you offer discounts for board/trustee roles?

A: Yes. We offer a 20% discount for unpaid positions.

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Q: Do you offer discounts for project and freelance positions or invitations to tender?

A: Yes. We offer a 50% discount for consultancy projects, freelance positions or invitations to tender, so long as a project fee is offered as a fixed fee or daily rate (salaried roles are not eligible).

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Q: Do you give commission to recruitment agencies?

A: Yes, 10% to bona fide registered agencies. Please request this when making a booking.

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Q: When is your copy deadline?

A: There is no copy deadline. As soon as we receive your booking we can put your job advert online. But you may wish to time your start date to coincide with our regular email bulletins:

  • Tuesday – Jobs: includes all job listings priority, premium and essential.
  • Wednesday – News, Features & Opinion: includes priority job listings only.
  • Friday – News, Features & Opinion: includes priority and premium job listings only

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Q: How long does it take to get an advert online?

A: Once we have received your copy, logo and details of your requirements, we can usually get jobs online within an hour or so.

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Q: How do I book?

A: Either

  • Click here to submit your job online; or
  • If you are booking a priority or premium job advert we can offer assistance to get your advert created. To upload your advert on your behalf, we need to know the following:
    • Level of prominence required (priority or premium) Please use the online booking form to submit your advert if you are booking at essential or basic level.
    • Start date for advert to be published
    • Length of time online (up to 1 week, 1-2 weeks, 2-6 weeks)
    • Copy, to include:
      • Job title
      • Employer/organisation name
      • Employment type (employed/freelance/board/voluntary/internship/tender)
      • Contract type (permanent/temporary/casual/fixed term)
      • Full-time/part-time
      • URL for further information / application pack
      • Salary range and type (per annum/pro-rata/hourly/daily/fixed fee) – alternatively, no salary disclosed
      • How to apply
      • Closing date for applications
      • Interview date (if relevant)
    • Organisation logo (preferably 600px x 600px)
    • Funder’s logo (only if a funder requirement)
    • Invoicing details (Organisation name/contact name/email address/phone number)
    • Postal address (new accounts only)
    • Registered charity number if zero-rate VAT required
    • Purchase Order reference if required
    • Image/video if required
  • Email your copy, apply link and a logo to [email protected] Let us know a) which level of advertising you would like b) for how long c) to which email address we should send the invoice and d) the purchase order reference, if required.

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Q: What’s the difference between a Priority, Premium, Essential, and Basic website only advert?

A: These terms refer to the level of prominence and distribution of the advert. The higher the prominence, the more people you can expect to see your advert. Full details of these levels and distribution through email, and socials can be found here.

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Q: What conditions are attached to the Basic website only package?

A: Self service and payment by credit card is required. These listings are only suitable for active jobseekers visiting the site and not included in mailings.

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Q: Which level of prominence is appropriate for our advert?

A: As a rule of thumb we suggest:

  • Priority are ideal for senior or hard-to-recruit roles where target candidates are less likely to be actively looking for a new role. Or for short intense recruitment campaigns.
  • Premium are ideal for middle management, to reach candidates who are keeping an eye open for new opportunities.
  • Essential are ideal for attracting candidates who are actively seeking work.
  • Basic website only is a value option, suitable only to reach active job seekers.

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Q: Can I include our logo?

A: Yes – ideally a PNG file, 600px x 600px

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Q: How much text can I include?

A: You may include unlimited text. And include links to your own website.

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A: No, but we can upload job information packs or applications on your behalf, or, you can include links to downloads on your own website. If you wish to make PDF documents available to download from your advert please email them to [email protected] when you place your booking.

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A: At priority or premium level you can include an image or embed a video in your advert – please email this to [email protected] when you place your booking.

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Q: Can I include a funder logo?

A: Yes. If your funder insists, this can be included in the main body of text. To include more than one funder logo you must provide a single PNG file with the logos combined.

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Q: I have two similar jobs, can I book just one advert?

A: If you are recruiting two very similar roles (same job title/salary range/closing date) at the same time, then you can advertise both vacancies in one advert. Otherwise you will need two listings.

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Q: Will my advert be taken offline after the closing date?

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Q: If I want to attract more applicants, can I extend my advert?

A: Yes, so long as your initial advert was booked for no more than 2 weeks and no changes to the copy are required.

We offer special rates to extend an advert and the price depends on the length of your initial booking:

  • If your booking was for up to 1 week it will cost £125 to extend it for another week, or £200 for up to 4 further weeks;
  • If your original booking was for 1-2 weeks, it will cost £75 to extend it for up to 4 further weeks.

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A: We expect to receive final copy for publication, but you can correct errors after publication if necessary. We will send you a link to check the copy immediately after your advert is published, and it is your responsibility to correct errors or to inform us of any errors that you would like us to correct on your behalf as soon as possible.

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Q: Do I need an account?

A: For booking and invoicing we will set up a new customer account for you if have not previously advertised with us. We require an email and postal address for invoices. If you are a registered charity and would like to request that your invoice is Zero rated for VAT then we will need your registered charity number.

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Q: Do I need to pay in advance on booking the advert?

A: Normally no, we will raise an invoice for the organisation that books the advert. Freelancers who book adverts on behalf of organisations must either pay upon booking or provide a written confirmation from the organisation that they will take responsibility for settling the invoice. There is a blue ‘view and pay online’ link in the in the invoice we will send to you so that you can make payment by credit/debit card if you wish.

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Q: Can I pay by invoice?

A: Normally yes, if you are a formally constituted organisation. If you are not a formally constituted organisation, have failed to meet our credit terms in the past, or you have outstanding debts to settle with us, we reserve the right to request payment in advance.

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Q: What are your payment terms?

A: Strictly 28 days.

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Q: Can I pay by credit/debit card?

A: Yes, either choose the option to pay by credit card when you place your booking, or, by using the blue ‘view and pay online’ link in the PDF invoice we will send to you. If you are placing multiple adverts or are eligible for any other discounts please choose the option to pay by invoice

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Q: Can we pay you by electronic bank transfer (BACS)?

A: Yes. Our bank details appear on the invoice.

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Checklist for advertisers

To upload your advert on your behalf, we need to know the following:

Level of prominence required (priority or premium) Please use the online booking form to submit your advert if you are booking at essential or basic level.
Start date for advert to be published
Length of time online
(up to 1 week, 1-2 weeks, 2-6 weeks)
Copy, to include:

  • Job title
  • Employer/organisation name
  • Employment type (employed/freelance/board/voluntary/internship/tender)
  • Contract type (permanent/temporary/casual/fixed term)
  • Full-time/part-time
  • URL for further information / application pack
  • Salary range and type (per annum/pro-rata/hourly/daily/fixed fee) – alternatively, no salary disclosed
  • How to apply
  • Closing date for applications
  • Interview date (if relevant)

Organisation logo (preferably 600px x 600px)
Funder’s logo (only if a funder requirement)
Payment option (Debit/credit card or invoice)
Invoicing details (Organisation name/contact name/email address/phone number)
Postal address (new accounts only)
Registered charity number if zero-rate VAT required
Purchase Order reference if required

Image/video if required

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