
ArtsDigest – A round-up of gems from other arts publications

Arts Professional
3 min read

Achieve your lifelong ambition: Learning is more than just education; and learning in museums and galleries should be about more than just the odd school visit, says Nicola Nuttall, Director of the Campaign for Learning through Museums and Galleries. She identifies key qualities of organisations that deliver the best of learning projects. Museums Journal (Museums Association), vol. 101 no 6, June 2001 e:

Closer Relationships with Customers: John Zorn takes examples from the US hospitality, sports, retail and entertainment industries to examine how businesses across these sectors are attracting and keeping customers, comparing these with the methods used by cultural organisations to upgrade current customers and gain new ones. ArtsReach, volume IX, issue 6, w:

What is Legacy Marketing? Asking for a legacy can intrude not only on a person?s privacy, but interfere with their lifestyle, culture, traditions and beliefs. Richard Radcliffe outlines the best way to approach this sensitive subject. Professional Fundraising, June 2001 e:

Art of Survival: Twenty years ago jewellery-maker Victoria Callen and her partner left the rat race and relocated to rural west Wales. She describes some of the pressures faced by rural crafts businesses and suggests key strategies for survival. a-n magazine, June 2001, p28, w:

Leadership and Arts Management: Laurent Lapierre?s research finds that the board of directors of an arts organisation may be nominally that organisation?s supreme authority, but in practice, the exercise of authority in arts organisations is determined by artistic rather than financial or humanist needs, which adds to the preponderance of artistic leadership over management within such organisations. International Journal of Arts Management, vol. 3 no. 3, Spring 2001 e:

Children and Theatre: Is children?s theatre art or play? Is it really for children or is it about adults telling kids how to behave? Paul Harman goes back to basics and takes an international perspective on the roots of children?s theatre. Mailout, June / July 2001, p6, e:

Managing the Management – the case of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden: Ruth Towse considers underlying issues of the purpose of arts subsidy, how it should be managed by the government and the Arts Council of England, and how appropriate performance indicators can act as a bridge between cultural economics and arts management. International Journal of Arts Management, vol. 3 no. 3, Spring 2001, e:

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