
Top 5 Websites

Kim Lofthouse shares the websites she wouldn’t want to be without

Arts Professional
3 min read

Ever wanted to know how to use social media more effectively to promote your organisation, or what the top 10 Twitter faux pas are? Then this is the website for you. The fantastic team update the website regularly with top tips, reflections on conference events from around the world and other gems from the world of social media. You can even download a free copy of their fabulous book ‘Zen & The Heart of Social Media’ to share with your colleagues and help them overcome their social media woes.

Finding Ada is a celebration of women’s achievements in technology and science based around Ada Lovelace Day (24 March). Primarily a means of connecting up all the Ada Lovelace Day activities from across the world, the site also contains a blog celebrating and encouraging women’s involvement in science and technology.

Do you believe that children and young people deserve quality cultural experiences? Born out of ‘Get It: The Power of Cultural Learning’, a report published in 2009, the Cultural Learning Alliance aims to support and advocate cultural learning and participation for children and young people by drawing together the skills, knowledge and experiences of those working with young people. This website is a must for anyone working in youth arts and I’d urge you to sign up to their campaign.
The online hub for all things related to the current arts funding issues, from discussions about the validity of admin costs to videos evidencing the added value of the arts, to tips on how best to encourage support for your organisation. A must-visit website for anyone involved in the arts sector at the moment and another one well worth showing your support to – we will only weather the cuts that are still to come in October by working together.

This is one for your inner geek and also a little something to make you smile when the thought of arts funding cuts starts to get too depressing. It is the work of Randall Munroe who combines his love of maths and science with humour to make some brilliantly funny and intelligent cartoons. If you like your humour to have brains, then this is definitely worth a look and it’s updated three times a week so always feels fresh and interesting. Although, be warned that this site may lead to you getting your morning cuppa all over your monitor as the hysterics set in.