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Headshot of Liz Sillett

LIZ SILLETT has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer of the Association of British Theatre Technicians (ABBT). She will start the role later this month, succeeding ROBIN TOWNLEY who steps down after 12 years at the helm.

Since 2017, Sillett has been Director of Operations and External Relationships at The Old Vic, having worked in the arts for over 25 years. Her experience spans traditional theatres, immersive experiences, temporary spaces and pop-ups as well as events and hospitality.

Sillett has also worked with SOLT and Parents and Carers in Performing Arts (PiPA) and has sat on a number of industry groups.

Co-Chair of the ABTT DAVID EVANS commented: "[Liz] has achieved many triumphs in the areas of live performance operation and development, areas that are key to the ABTT. Liz's key roles backstage and close association with many of the industry's suppliers gives her a strong insight into the challenges facing us at the moment, bringing a tremendous wealth of experience and understanding to her new role."

Sillett said: "Having been a member of the ABTT for many years, this is a hugely exciting opportunity. I am looking forward to exploring ways of adding further value to ABTT members, as well as championing and driving change on key issues around diversity, equity and representation, flexible working and the development of the next generation of technicians."