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Headshots of Julie Sangani, Sarah Boswell, Jonathan Pugh
Julie Sangani, Sarah Boswell, Jonathan Pugh

The Welsh government's Deputy Minister for Culture and Sport has confirmed JULIE SANGANI, SARAH BOSWELL and JONATHAN PUGH as members of Arts Council Wales.

Currently a Cabinet Member at Cardiff City Council, Sangani is responsible for Public Health, Equality, Diversity and Asylum Seekers and is about to take up a role as Business Development Manager at Learning Disability Wales.

Previously, Sangani has worked with Chwarae Teg and The Prince’s Trust Cymru. She is a founder member of The Indian Women Association of Wales as well as co-vice Chair of NWAMI, which promotes intercultural understanding.

Boswell has 20 years' experience working across government, not-for-profits and arts boards, including with Arts Queensland, Queensland Ballet and Creative New Zealand. 

Pugh is a senior lecturer in theatre and media at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, where he has worked for over 25 years, with experience in creative and educational compliance. He was  previously a board member of Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru.