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Image of Jeanie Scott and Tony Mills
Jeanie Scott and Tony Mills will form the new leadership team at Dance Base

Neil Hanna

JEANIE SCOTT has been appointed Chief Executive of Dance Base.

She will take up the role as head of Scotland’s National Centre for Dance in November, succeeding JIM HOLLINGTON.

Scott currently works at Culture Radar, a UK-wide research and development consultancy she founded in 2019. She is also a member of the national What Next? Leadership Group and a Creative Scotland Clore Fellow.

“I first connected with Dance Base in my teens as an early career dancer,” Scott said. “And 20 years on, Dance Base is still delivering - it’s a vital ingredient in the city’s cultural offer and an essential development support for professional dance artists in Scotland.”

Dance Base has also announced TONY MILLS is to renew his term as Artistic Director for a further four years.

Mills joined the team in 2021 following two decades as an independent dance artist. His 2024 Dance Base Festival programme saw 33 companies from around the world performing in the company’s building throughout August.

“Dance Base has been with me, in one way or another, throughout my entire career as a dance artist,” Mills said. “It continues to be an incredible privilege to contribute to the future of an organisation that supports so many people to get dancing and plays a vital role in our national cultural ecology.”