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Headshot of Caroline Dinenage
Caroline Dinenage was made a Dame in 2022

Roger Harris

Dame CAROLINE DINENAGE has been re-elected Chair of the Culture, Media and Sports (CMS) Committee.

Conservative MP for Gosport since 2010, Dinenage served as Minister of State for Digital and Culture from February 2020 to September 2021. She became a Dame in the Political Honours of 2022.

Dinenage was first elected as CMS Committee Chair in May 2023. Since then, the cross-party group of MPs have worked on a range of issues impacting the sector, including pressures facing grassroots music venues, fair remuneration for artists, a review of the film and TV industry and the risks associated with AI developments.

Commenting on her unopposed reelection, Dinenage said: “These sectors are our global economic superpower, they have remarkable abilities to drive regeneration and bring communities together”.

“I will continue to work cross-party to ensure the government doesn’t take them for granted and they continue to fire on all cylinders.”