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Headshot of Adam Kenwright

The Donmar Warehouse theatre in London has announced that ADAM KENWRIGHT will be standing down as Chair of the Board.

As Chair since 2020, Kenwright has led the Donmar through significant changes and upheaval including reopening post-Covid, refurbishment of the theatre's front of house, creating a joint CEO model, and the transition from Arts Council England NPO funding.

He also oversaw the recruitment of the theatre's new Artistic Director TIM SHEADER

Sheader and HENNY FINCH, joint Executive Directors, said: "We are so grateful to Adam for all his exceptional and generous work as our Chair during some challenging years for the theatre sector. His extensive industry experience and passion for our work has made him an unparalleled advocate for the Donmar, and he has been a great support to us personally and the wider team."

Kenwright commented: "I want to thank the board and the incredible team at the Donmar for their amazing work and support these past four years. It has been an honour to play a part in the leadership of this wonderful organisation, which achieves so much due to the talented team in each and every department, who collectively contribute to the remarkable work and award-winning output of the Donmar."

A search for a new Chair is underway.

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